Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 180 Advisor

    @Jeremy_NI @Kaiwan_NI :

    Could one of you please add the release notes / the official update status for Komplete Kontrol Version 3.0.3 that has just been released for download via Native Access? Thanks.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod
    edited November 2023

    @B.Minor Done, it's just a little hotfix. and just because it's a 3.0.3 update, I felt the need to share this:

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 180 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    Thanks for the information. Somehow I was hoping that at least some of the most obvious KK problems - especially related to proper item visibility etc. - have also been solved already.

    For example, there are still some quirks preventing users from working nicely with KK in general because of the fact that the "standard KK windowsize" is sooooooooooo small. In fact, the whole application's window takes up only fractals of a 4K monitor, and some options are not even selectable yet as you would expect them to be:

    Therefore, could you please make resizable windows available as soon as possible, including a real "fullscreen" option? I don't know many applications anymore nowadays which don't offer any "maximize square" to activate a real fullscreen view. Therefore, could you please introduce that in your next KK release, along with some other stuff that has been promised by Matthew_NI to return to KK finally?

    Exacly as shown in the screenshot example above - would it be really too much efforts to keep the KK preset browser pane on the left side while letting users open up the related plugin pane on the right side? That would be the most logical and inspiring thing any user can think of when working with such an application like KK. After all, it was implemented before, and it was wonderful!

    I guess you would calm down (and positively surprise) your community by actually listening to them once in a while. It always makes sense to respect customer feedback. Thank you in advance!

    One more word related to NI's official "user data tracking" statement:

    As you may know, privacy is a very important thing for most of the people, at least here in Europe where I live. The first thing that a responsible person does (or the company he's driving) is to shut down any spying functionalities, e.g. those which the OS includes from scratch (let's say MS Windows etc.) or any application's "phone home" functionality. Every good businessman today takes care about things like that. Therefore, I'm very sure that you missed out the opinions and experiences of exactly those users (like me) who have intentionally "opted out" from such data tracking functionalities. You would never get representative statistics by just looking at those users who have left that option on (and maybe sometimes just because they didn't know about that option at all). And even if all users would had left your data tracking function (which is activated by default) untouched, you could still not find out in detail what people really prefer about your applications and what they really hate.

    Let me give you an example, as I have mentioned that "screen resizing and viewing options" before (and because of the fact that NI has also claimed that "not many people would care about it anyway"):

    If we'd make a vote today about how many users would prefer to have the KK plugin window next to the browser window, I guess you'd be overwhelmed about the feedback you'd get! Such stuff cannot be "read out" of the usage data you may have analyzed. That feature was simply there in KKV2 and people loved it because it let them work in an acceptable way. Howcome you can even interpret any user data in such a way that you are claiming that people would prefer to have one single window only from now on which needs to be toogled back and forth between two views in order to work? It's quite the opposite; it completely breaks one's workflow, that's simply the truth!

    Your collected data won't help you in getting that important information. The only thing that users CAN do is give you feedback via this NI forum and tell you that you might be probably wrong with your latest decisions! Please just think about that for a second and please don't blindly trust any counters your tool presents to you. You are dealing here with real people, also driving their businesses. I guess everyone is expecting to get additional features after installing updates for your applications, but not less!

    Thanks again for listening.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    Speaking for myself only: I will continue to leave data collection turned on as long as NI continues to share with the community. If NI goes back to the "old ways" of keeping secrets, then I will eventually turn off data collection on my computers.

    For me, it's simple. If I can see that we're benefiting from me participating in this or that, then I will continue to do this or that. "Pay to play", so to speak. Hey, I COULD be asking for a T-shirt or something. This is really simple. 😜

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    @B.Minor regarding the following

    "Therefore, could you please introduce that in your next KK release, along with some other stuff that has been promised by Matthew_NI to return to KK finally?"

    Our next release is already in beta. When it makes the light of day, it features Browser resizing and bug fixes. Any other work is either yet to be started, or ongoing, and won't be shipped in this particular update.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited November 2023

    I like the new layout of KK. I would not want NI to follow many of your layout suggestions.

    The new layout has room to grow and evolve in some progressive ways... and no doubt will.

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 180 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    Okay, I respect your opinion. But if you read carefully, I didn't suggest any new layout features.

    Firstly, I was just reporting a visibility bug that still exists within KKV3, as some of the items are currently not fully displayed and therefore aren't selectable accordingly.

    Secondly, I was just claiming that I'm missing exactly that functionality and visibility which every MK2/KKV2 user knows already. I didn't ask for any new fency window functionalities to be added; my aim was just to convince NI to bring back the proven concept that was always implemented in KKV2 and which serious MK2/KK users won't like to miss in the future. That's all.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited November 2023

    There do need to be changes though from switching between the plugin and browser view as either/or states, as that is significantly limiting the ability to use samples in KK (to the point where there I feel is almost no point I having them anymore in the current arrangement, I certainly can't use them like this). What form that should take I'm not sure but I have not come across anyone else who likes the browser and plugin being completely separate from each other and it was not what any users were asking for. Even in Kontakt which has a similar browser the files and racks tabs exist still when you close the browser, maybe KK needs something similar?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,776 mod

    2 more things regarding KK3. I am not sure if someone mentioned them before.

    Maybe a firmware update is required, at least for the S Series MK2 keyboards, so the hardware will follow the software and vise versa. Specifically, the Browser button and the Plug-In button.

    Also, the online manual has a section, about Importing Content says: "The Browser enables you to import Custom Libraries and User content, adding your imported content as Library tiles in the Browser. You can batch import multiple libraries in give them custom names via the alias field.". Maybe i am stupid but i can not find such thing in Komplete Kontrol...

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Looks like that last bit was a copy/paste from the Kontakt 7 manual - yeah it doesn't tally with KK at all

    The decoupling of the browser/plugin switch from the software isn't a bug

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru
    edited November 2023

    We agree 100% on the need for resizability and a "single window" view of being able to see found presets and its playable instrument at the same time.

    I guess your suggestion to have the presets on the left and the instrument on the right is the specific point of my disagreement. Having the presets in a left column of the old design was has a huge limiting frustration for me. The found results would be a crowded, barely visible list at the bottom of search criteria. Horrible design IMO.

    Rather than left/right ... the new layout approach can be more up/down with a sliding horizontal mid-section.

    The rough mockup of "single-window" view I shared a few weeks ago has a full width panel at the bottom that is a simplified view of the instrument with its first 8 macros and an optional on-screen keyboard. This new "simplified instrument panel" should be a standard aspect ration for all instruments so switching between instruments would not cause the irritating shift of "what's- where" caused the former randomness of dimensions. Drag and drop of samples/loops could be designed part of this "simplified instrument panel" as needed.

    Here's my rough mockup again:

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 180 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    Yes, I guess anybody reading this forum has already seen your design proposals before. In fact, they are anyway similar to my request. The only little difference is that in your suggestion the plugin view appears at the bottom of the screen, while I was just talking about bringing back the well-known plugin display on the right side of the screen, like it was already implemented in KKV2 before. As long as both, browser and plugin views are simultaneously available again (and users doesn't need to toggle between those two views), I guess it would already be a great improvement everybody would appreciate. This is also a good starting point to re-implement the "sample drag & drop" feature which has been promised already by NI to return soon.

    But just keep in mind that most plugin layouts do not provide that "horizontally long-streched" view as you were depicting it in your proposal above. While you are mainly speaking about the look that your MK3 screen provides you, I'm speaking about the view the application itself (either from NI or from any other VST vendor) provides on the PC screen natively; and in most cases it's more squared or rectangular, so it would better fit there where it already was before. It wouldn't make any sense to "mirror" that long-streched MK3 screen 1:1 on the PC monitor, as the MK3 display is just displaying a very small subset of what's curently going on. Only the actual plugin view on the PC can provide users the full variety of available options.

    But hey, I'm open for any improvements, as long as we can finally have both views available at the same time, regardless in which way this may happen.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    This new "simplified instrument panel" could be the critical stepping stone to implement a good consistent resizable view. This new panel could avoid all the problems of legacy artwork. And when a user DID want full "legacy" usage.. a click on this simplified instrument panel could bring up the full-Featured "Legacy Panel".

    And the point of the horizontal "simplified instrument panel" is not necessarily to mimic the on-device screen of S-MK3. Instead, it is just a better-sized & placed "neighbor" to all the other stuff that needs to be in the single-window design.

    Plus.. it might potentially give a bit of the "NKS2 experience" to those that do not own S-MK3 keyboards if it displays the same "organized parameter macros" as NKS2 does.

  • vertibration
    vertibration Member Posts: 3 Member

    I downgraded back to KK 2.9

    The new update is pretty bad. Essentially, they tick all the boxes......then the browser. It absolutely needs to go back to how it was in 2.9. Put it on the left side please. For example.....lets say I am using serato sample, and I want to drag and drop a loop into serato sample from KK.......I cant do that with the 3.0 update. You can do that with 2.9, but not 3.

    The browser is everything, and to put it in a weird folder system that swaps views is absolutely bonkers. Please address this post haste

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