[FIXED BY LOGIC 10.8.1] MIDI note doubling issue with Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3 and Logic Pro 10.8



  • mogularpb
    mogularpb Member Posts: 10 Member

    @Scottkid thanks so much for taking the time to write that up. I will have a play to see how it could be used.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,924 mod

    Been following the discussion at LogicProHelp - seems this is affecting lots of things, not just Komplete Kontrol - the consensus seems to be this was a change they were working on that wasn't ready for release but mistakenly got added all the same


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 679 Pro

    "...the consensus seems to be this was a change they were working on that wasn't ready for release but mistakenly got added all the same"

    Wow, that NEVER happens!


  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,305 Guru
    edited November 2023

    Welp.. if this change is foundational to allow for some very good new creative options...

    So be it.

    Hopefully the magnitude of the problem created will more urgently force the needed changes to 3rd party AU plugins to behave properly in Logic Pro 10.8.

    So the "good stuff" might arrive in our hands sooner than otherwise.

    Or not... it's gonna shake out in some fashion soon I suspect.

  • cdion
    cdion Member Posts: 21 Member
  • Benoit Jolivet
    Benoit Jolivet Member Posts: 2 Member

    I'm sure the native Instruments team is working really hard to fix that problem ! Please don't forget the Komplete Kontrol 2.9 users ! Thank you !

  • cyberbork
    cyberbork Member Posts: 4 Member

    My environment looks a bit different (I rerouted and that fixes the duplicate midi input). However, I am wondering if this could be the cause for another issue I experience since the upgrade, which is that there is a significant delay between pressing the keys of the S88 and the audio being played (on all instruments)... this seems to not happen for a brand new project, but after some time using it.

  • cdion
    cdion Member Posts: 21 Member

    Just to note that I have also encountered a significant (and really annoying) delay while playing on the S61 mk2 (delay between pressing key and hearing the note) in 10.8. I since reverted back to 10.7.9 to avoid the various issues.

  • fluffy
    fluffy Member Posts: 59 Helper
    edited November 2023

    Regarding delay, have you tried putting Logic into low latency mode? Especially if you’ve tried playing with the new mastering AI stuff - some plugins can add substantial playback latency, and the mastering chain is especially bad about it. Performance mode will disable all latency-increasing plugins.

    Many of Logic’s library presets also include latency-increasing plugins.

    Basically while you’re actually recording instruments you want to be in low latency mode, and only turn it off while mixing/mastering or doing a bounce.

  • cyberbork
    cyberbork Member Posts: 4 Member

    Next bit I was going to try out is to use a different keyboard...

  • cyberbork
    cyberbork Member Posts: 4 Member

    It was the low latency mode... although I've been using the same plugins many times before, it's never had the issue....maybe it gets disabled somehow and I had not noticed

  • Jorge H C
    Jorge H C Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Correct, this arrangement works perfectly.

    Incidentally I have done the up date to KK 3.03 and the problem persists, so I will continue to use this solution to be able to work.

    Sincerely I regret a bit to move to 10.8 and sonoma, but now I will continue until it is fixed. Thanks for everything.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 943 mod

    Yeah - to be clear, neither KK 3.0.3 nor the forthcoming KK 3.1 will resolve this issue.

    Work is ongoing - it may be the case that the "fix" does not come from Native Instruments, but elsewhere.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,305 Guru
    edited November 2023

    Thanks for this bit of info on current status of Logic Pro 10.8 and KK 3.03 & 3.1.

    Will help those with critical Logic projects make better decisions in the short term.

    Good luck to all working on this and hope there is a break-thru to allow some additional holiday cheer.

  • Miguel Mayen
    Miguel Mayen Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I don't know if this will help you guys, but I decided to use the standalone version of the Komplete Kontrol Software. and took out KOMPLETE KONTROLS49 MK2 Port 1 and 2 from the midi input in Logic, and that solved my problem of double notes when playing in Logic. Down side of this is the fact that you cant use Komplete Kontrol plugin in logic and have to use individual plugins in logic. Here are some pictures. I just updated to the new Komplete Kontrol software and that was driving me crazy.

    I hope it helps :)

    Midi Input


    Midi Notes

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