[FIXED BY LOGIC 10.8.1] MIDI note doubling issue with Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3 and Logic Pro 10.8

Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod
edited December 2023 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi all, Matt H here!

Returning to the fray with an important PSA.


Apple just announced Logic Pro 10.8. We found out the same time y'all did. It solved some KK3 setup issues on their end, but introduced some unexpected changes.

Issues / Changes

  1. When using KK3 (3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2 or 3.03) with Logic Pro 10.8, all MIDI notes are doubled. This issue reproduces with all MIDI controllers when using KK3. In other words, it is specific to KK3, and not to the Kontrol S MK3. This bug has been filed as a high priority, as soon as it was reported to us. We hope to fix it this month. Incredibly frustrating for all - I will keep you in the loop as this progresses.
  2. It appears Logic Pro 10.8 has silently introduced support for MIDI out from AU2 plug-ins. The impact of this is mostly positive: for instance, this means it is now possible for Komplete Kontrol's arpeggiator to send MIDI out of the plug-in, and into your timeline. This benefits all users of KK3 and Logic. At present, the value is limited due to the first issue.

I suspect that the introduction of #2 had an unintended effect on #1. Either way, we're looking into this and I wanted to start an official thread on the topic.

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