Issue with Kontrol S88 MK3



  • Össur
    Össur Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    What a disappointment!

    I'm having the same issues with updating the firmware. Not what I expected from NI! 

    Really hope this gets fixed soon. Until then the MK3 will be waiting in the garage.

  • mickeyl
    mickeyl Member Posts: 62 Helper
    edited October 2023

    FWIW, I'm pretty sure it isn't bricked unless you had really bad luck and got a faulty unit. Please open a ticket w/ NI and they will try to guide you through a recovery process (which every modern USB-upgradable device has implemented).

  • AMN
    AMN Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited October 2023

    Same Issue. im really frustrated.

  • Max 2023
    Max 2023 Member Posts: 6 Member

    After the almost one hour update process my S61 brick! The screen after restarting is all white! Really frustrated, really!!!

  • fLaX
    fLaX Member Posts: 15 Member

    they said they will fix it in the next weeks, I don't wait weeks...

  • Yarda
    Yarda Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hello everyone. Has anyone been able to fix the problem? Especially according to the proposed procedures? I've been struggling with this for two weeks now. I've contacted support and so far all I've learned is the procedures NI have on the site but they don't work.

    I've tried all the USB-A and USB-C ports, the hub on the monitor, various cables and power (I'm about to run out of another USB-C cable and USB-C hub today).

    I also tried another computer. Be the result.

    The problem is that after connecting the keys, the computer sees "two devices" on the USB that have drivers. Once the update process starts, the device disconnects and the computer sees "another device", but the driver is not there and cannot be updated. Therefore, the firmware update process does not take place. The connection with the keys and the computer gets the device to the same data state if you turn the keys on and off 5 times. Only the inscription on the keyboard display is different.

  • SaschaW
    SaschaW Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hi there, 

    I appologies to the person that gets all the frustration, because I assume this is not your fault. Please feel free to forward this to your superiors.

    But it has been two weeks since this bug was reported and it doesn't seem as NI is interested to fix this.

    I have same problem (failed to boot into firmware mode...) on Windows 11 with an AMD 3700X. And yes, I have tried every suggestion, but nothing worked:

    • Different USB ports (C and A with an adapter / hub with en external power supply)
    • updating windows
    • closing my browser
    • all the other things you try, that never worked since Windows XP

    To clarify: when I press update, the screen on the mk3 says "updating your keyboard". But nothing happens. I let it run for several minutes but nothing happens. So power should not be the problem. Also the device is recognized by Windows and the drivers appear in the Windows device manager.

    The only thing I could not reproduce is the "recovery screen". Can you please explain, what needs to be done exactly? I turned the keyboard off and on 5 times and nothing happened. I tried it with and without the installer running. Where can you see the recovery screen? on the device or your PC?

     How is there not a fix yet? Why is this not mentioned in the support pages and why did not a single youtuber who testet this device had any problems like this? I know some of them use windows. Did they get one with a working firmware?

    Most devices let you do big updates in small steps if a big update is not working. 0.2.9 to 1.5.3 is probably a big one. There must have been an update that worked for Windows during QA. Why can't we have that one first?

    Also: why is the hardware shipped with firmware, that denies usabability, in the first place? Every other keyboard can be plugged in and used in kontakt via a daw with no problem, but your own doesn't?  

    If you can't guarantee a fix in the next couple of days, please tell me, who I can talk to, to unregister this device from my account, so I can return it.

  • gcorcella
    gcorcella Member Posts: 63 Member

    It turned out to be a Windows issues. I experienced it too. I have an S88 MK3 and Windows 11 with i9-12900 KF. My solution was updating the firmware with my old MacBook Pro (luckily I still have it). It worked at the first attempt. I'm quite disappointed with this keyboard so far. I mean, it would be great if it worked properly but now I am facing a new issue with my desktop computer. For some reason Kontakt and KK do not connet automatically to the keyboard. I have to do it manually each time I change channel in Cubase. It works with K7 and KK standalone and it seems to work properly on my laptops.

    I'll probably have to format my computer hoping to erase the thing that is causing this problem. If the formatting doesn't work I'll be running out of options.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro

    It would appear NI are very Apple biased.

  • SaschaW
    SaschaW Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hi gcorcella,

    thanks für your answer. I read, that the MacBook solution worked, sadly I don't have one and the only person I know who has one is a one and a half hour drive away. Seems rood to aks :D

    I am sorry to hear your troubles aren't over. Before you format your pc, check for differences in the plugins that you have installed. I once had a problem with Amplitube. Thier programming was bad in a way, that they put an .ini file with an already existing name in the System32 folder, with the result that other programms like python would crash because they tried to use that one. Maybe another plugin has dibs on midi all controllers and block automatic connections with KK and K7.

    It really seems NI took a long look at the gaming industry and said: "We can do that. Let's lay off 8% of our staff and bring this unfinished product to the shelves. We'll patch it in the next year or two". Which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't cost 1200€ more than your standard game.

    Really thinking of returning this and buying it again in 12 months in a sale.

    good luck with your bugfixing!

  • mickeyl
    mickeyl Member Posts: 62 Helper
    edited November 2023

    Doubtful. In contrast, due to market shares their Windows customers are probably the majority. And while Apple had their share of ugly software infrastructure transitionings before, Windows with its gazillions of hardware/software combinations is still a maintenance nightmare compared to Apple. It's way more complicated. And – to be honest – USB-C with its load of substandards does not help.

    If you consider that, you can only blame that NI didn't test 6 to 12 months more before releasing that. From a business standpoint, it's always a tough balance between "unsatisfied existing customers, because nothing changes" and "taking the time to release a really mature new product".

  • gcorcella
    gcorcella Member Posts: 63 Member

    Thank you. I also had a Teamviewer session with the support but we haven't find a solution. It works with my laptops so it HAS to be something inside my desktop computer. A format would allow me to see it it works with just Cubase, Kontakt (or KK) and the Hardware Connection Service installed.

  • SaschaW
    SaschaW Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hi @Chris_NI,

    any updates?

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