Komplete Kontrol 3.0 + Battery

ini4 Member Posts: 30 Helper
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I realize that I have been using Battery in Komplete Kontrol in an unconventional way, but it worked. I would:

  • Load an empty Battery template in Komplete Kontrol
  • Then search for one shot drum samples using Komplete Kontrol's browser
  • Then drag the samples onto the Battery cells, because if you load them, they will replace Battery

I found this to be a cool way to use Battery since it's native file browser can a pain to navigate and I could filter by the samples I marked with stars. With Komplete Kontrol 3.0, I can't view the browser and the plugin at the same time, and it doesn't look like you can drag and drop the samples.

It's not a deal breaker. I like Komplete Kontrol 3.0 otherwise. I just wanted to point this out. Hopefully Battery gets some love in the future.


  • Madman
    Madman Member Posts: 8 Member

    apparently, we are on the fringe of users and this workflow was deemed less important and may or may not be (re) added in the future. i too use KK2 in this fashion. kk3 doesn't allow viewing library and plugin GUI at the same time, nor does it allow drag n dropping of one shots anymore.......unfortunately.

  • ini4
    ini4 Member Posts: 30 Helper

    On the bright side, this has forced me to look into new options. I'm using Logic Pro and Logic's Drum Machine Designer + Komplete Kontrol is feeling like Maschine (although I'm navigating and playing using my S61 keyboard). I've under estimated KK's sampler module. This combination of DMD and KK allows me to not only quickly find and load samples, but also NKS effects. I love Arturia's Coldfire for drum samples, and you can easily switch presets and edit parameters.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,139 mod

    I used this workflow all the time, although more with granular plugins, so am not happy with the current view switching but NI are aware of this issue and I hope will make it possible again. Having a samples browser is pretty pointless without being able to determine where those samples go

  • Rob Lee
    Rob Lee Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I was going crazy looking for a way to use my old workflow using KK with my own custom BATTERY kit, WTH

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,139 mod

    I know, it's definitely a WTH? sort of thing. I mean absolutely nobody was asking for the ability to switch between the browser and the plugin view as separate things, I don't think it even entered into anyone's mind. I just can't conceive how anyone could see that as a good idea when you need to drag stuff from the browser into the plugin if you are going to use samples in things like Battery, or Kontakt, or Reaktor, to build instruments. Users were asking for a resizable GUI, better editing capabilities, user pages that could be reordered, saveable effect chains, an actual effect version, recordable effect automation. We got zero, in fact we got minus figures, with stuff that was good being removed. It's like users and NI have been speaking a different language.

  • ini4
    ini4 Member Posts: 30 Helper

    I've started to use Waves Cosmos.

  • Vic Angelo
    Vic Angelo Member Posts: 125 Advisor

    I am Late to the party, but has KK 3 had a fix where you can keep the browser and the plug-in open at the same time?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,139 mod

    Not yet, at the moment there is very little point in even having a samples browser in KK. It's a waste of space.

  • kopfwietopf
    kopfwietopf Member Posts: 1 Member

    What in the hell is going on

    How did they just completely castrate a very evident way of intuitively using the GUI? I can't begin to express how stupid it is that this is still not possible after such a long time, what is with the need of making just about anything worse all the time?

    Just give me a freaking break, paying thousands of bucks for great instruments and then getting hamstrung by the clunkiest UX-work anyone has witnessed in a business that is ripe with bad takes on usability.

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