Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • nowiamone
    nowiamone Member Posts: 26 Member

    Native Access should have "previous releases/versions" as option.

    It's not the best thing to let users search for a google drive link in a support forum, after breaking their workflow with a bad update.

    Having "previous releases" as option in Native Access would be a win/win.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,081 Expert

    @Azara Prod

    "I want the 2.9 version back. Immediately"

    Just relax and look at the forum board you are in...

    Lots of KK v2.x options here.


  • nowiamone
    nowiamone Member Posts: 26 Member

    In my last post, i wasn't precise enough concerning the Browser/Preset downgrade and what i would love to see instead.

    So here are my top 3 reasons, why Komplete Kontrol 3 Software is absolutely broken for me, and what i would like to see changed:

    1. The hiding of either Browser or Performance View in the KK VST Plugin Window (opened in the DAW) is a catastrophic downgrade. Why would you force users to change views, in order to see the active instrument? The new layout is mind-bogglingly bad,from a UX perspective. It clearly was BETTER (=faster) before, and based on the old side-Browser, it could have been made even better (with a scaleable window, adjustable Browser-sub-category-sizes, etc). For big screens you could even allow users to open this new overly broad browser together with the instrument view. Let us customize and scale the window and any region of the windows. Let us decide, whether we want that fat Browser window at the bottom or a side-Browser. We users aren't too dumb for several views which show much more than currently possible, and to choose a default view out of them which suits us best.
    2. Restricting the ability to edit custom presets. This breaks the core of my current workflow, which is built around creating a huge custom library. I was hoping that instead of crippling down the Preset and Browsing functions of Komplete Kontrol, Native Instruments would actually improve the Browser and Preset-Editing functions! Like being able to edit TYPES and CHARACTERS! (instead of being forced to delete them and create a new name, then re-order EVERY SINGLE preset into this new name - Type/charakter).
    3. Loading Times out of Hell, worse performance than KK 2.8.1 when many instances are loaded, unneccessary re-scan of known plugins, forced usage of Kontakt 7

    The following changes to the Komplete Kontrol Keyboard Software are as BAD, as if they're a fundamental BUG:

    1. The automatic default-hiding of parameter values in the Komplete Kontrol Display is insanely bad. [regression, bad like a bug]. It's absolutely essential to see exact values, and a severe downgrade from MK2.
    2. The hiding of active keyswitches in the Komplete Kontrol Display is insanely bad. It was one of my favorite features, because the quick overview for keyswitches is a lifesaver for liveperforming. [regression, bad like a bug]
  • Martin_NI
    Martin_NI Product Team Posts: 24 mod
    edited October 2023

    Hey @Azara Prod,

    We are keeping long-term links to Komplete Kontrol 2.9 for users to use here.

    Unfortunately, we have become aware that some users are experiencing performance issues with Komplete Kontrol 3 and are working on a solution within the engineering team to resolve this issue soon.

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 180 Advisor


    Shouldn't that rather read "Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6" already?

    At least I'm aware about the fact that NI released that latest official 2.x version lately.

  • pseudotim
    pseudotim Member Posts: 5 Member

    I am also having substantial CPU consumption issues and going back to the previous version. Are there instructions for downgrading to a previous version? Do I need to uninstall 3.0 first? Or can I just run the 2.9 installer over the 3.0 installation?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Yes you can just install the previous version over it

  • Vic Angelo
    Vic Angelo Member Posts: 121 Advisor

    How were you able to downgrade KK? I want to do the same thing.

    Thank you

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Just an update for a bug:

    BT Phobos - same preset in Maschine and KK3 - Maschine recalls the mapping, KK does not. That feels like a read error from KK, rather than an issue with the VST3.

  • RobertDorn
    RobertDorn Member Posts: 40 Member

    2.9.6 download link is in the forums! you can download it and install it. Practically that’s it, and you’ll be back on v2

    saw the 3.0.1 update, didn’t see anything mentioning a fix for the crazy cpu spikes that 3.x is causing , so I’ll stay away from v3 till at least that has been fixed.

  • Martin_NI
    Martin_NI Product Team Posts: 24 mod

    Hey @pseudotim,

    Sorry to hear you are affected by the CPU issue. We are working on this issue right now and are hoping to have a fix to this bug in the next ~week. In the meantime, just running the 2.9.6 installer should get your system back to running 2.9.6.

    If you experience any issues you can follow the Komplete Kontrol uninstall instructions in Native Access for your OS.

  • Martin_NI
    Martin_NI Product Team Posts: 24 mod

    Hey @Vagus,

    Are you still experiencing this issue with the Komplete Kontrol 3.0.1 release now available on Native Access?

    Just to double check you are using the VST2 in Maschine and Komplete Kontrol? Some of our plug-in partners are still updating to NKS 1.6+ which allows the VST3 version of their plug-ins to have NKS support.

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 180 Advisor
    edited October 2023

    Everyone following my previous posts related to "Komplete Kontrol" and its general environment already knows that I'm extremely critical when it comes to so-called "application update" announcements which turn out to be an "application downgrade" in reality.

    At least that was exactly what I felt when testing KK 3.0.0 the very first time. But to my surprise, I must really confess that NI seems to have listened to our immediate complains about that bad situation after the introduction of KK 3.0.0. As it seems to me, they have at least started to react accordingly and doing the right things by providing an update already.

    Therefore, I want to express my thankfulness to NI, as it seems they have realized that any existing customer (like me as an MK2 keyboard owner) who has learned the value of KK's feature set cannot be dropped like a hot potato just because of the introduction of a new MK3 keyboard. Kudos to the development Team which has obviously taken care already, fixing some of the known issues in the new KK 3.0.1 release. At least as it seems to me, the following topics appear to be solved already (please comment if you have different experiences):

    - As I can currently see for all of my customized libraries - e.g. obtained from 3rd party vendors other than NI, the "subbank" browsing functionality has suddently returned. In my personal case I'm able to access now that level of information again finally allowing me again to browse/pre-hear these libraries and/or samples via the MK2 keyboard knobs.

    - Also all my predefined samples could be found again in their dedicated menus as it should be; correctly sorted and classified - either as loops or as one-shots.

    - All customized icons for the MK2 keyboard display (for libraries, loops or one-shot samples) all show up again like it was the case in the latest KK2.9.6 version.

    - All customized library/instrument shortcuts have also returned and are now correctly displayed again underneath each single library icon on the MK2 keyboard.

    Well, I'm aware that most of the user-requested functionalities which are still missing but known from K2.x have just been promised by NI to be brought back to K3.x, like a manually resizable browser window PLUS a separate plugin window (simultaneously visible side-by side), well-known sample dragging functionalities, as well as FULL tagging (including the editing of properties). As announced by NI, these functionalites haven't been given much priority yet, so it's up to the community to have an eye on NI in order to keep their promises and to get back to a status where the workflow is not broken anymore.

    Nevertheless, there are some really annoying things that might not take that much development effort and which might be hopefully introduced as part of the forthcoming KK 3.0.2 release:

    - Would it be really that complicated to bring back that well-known "spinning wheel" which can be seen at the application's menu at program launch (or at any other time while scanning), clearly indicating that KK is still busy scanning VSTs and/or library/sample data while updating its database? As we all know that procedure can take very long; from a few minutes up to half an hour, depending on the situation and on the amount of libraries to be scanned, especially after "updating" the KK application. While the "spinning wheel" can currently still be seen on the MK2 keyboard itself, it would be a big improvement to let the user also know in the application window when that scan is finally finished. I even dare to guess that 20% of previous error reports to NI was based on the fact that everybody tried to browse through the libraries already while the system hasn't captured and processed all of the libraries yet.

    - Another topic - rather related to a possible "Native Access" feature - were reports by many users that there was no "warning message" popping up when installing any crucial updates which could really break one's current setup and workflow (like this was the case for MK1 users lately). However, also MK2 users were not really expecting that an introduction of new KK 3.0.0 version could remove half of well-known functionalities. NI could have avoided all that by just telling existing users honestly that they are still working to make the application robust and complete until it's on-par with the previous one. It was really not a good move by NI to let customers install a newer version over an old one without letting them know which big impact that step could have.

    For now, thanks again for listening to the community!

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