Diva vs. Massive X, and picture missing CS80 V

fisk1 Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I have the new Kontrol S 61 now for some days. Installation and KK 3 have clearly some flaws, that I hope get corrected in future updates?!?

I' ll have to say that in my opinion the best implementation so far goes to Diva, and in contrary Massive X is a real disapointment in handling/tweaking from the Keyboard 😕.

Also ahead of the competition (and NI itself?) is the the Arturia stuff. But sadly the nice pictures for the CS 80 and the augmented series are not showing up at the screen (just the default blue background) but editing works fine. - Any ideas for that?

It would also be nice to have more NI libraries capable with handling the Poly Aftertouch feature!

And some (if not most!) of the libraries really need some improvement in the editing capabilities on the Kontrol screen!!...


Best Answer



  • jef
    jef Member Posts: 23 Member

    Hey Fisk1... I'm wondering the same thing about implementation! I saw that Glaze and Cloud Supply just got updated, but when you go to the patches you only get "Sequencer" and "Settings" under the new edit tabs on the KK3 keyboard. Seems unfortunate that you don't get access to all of the things... like FX etc! Hopefully that comes soon, but does seem like it should already be implemented on all of their instruments on release. To me, this is the biggest reason to get these keyboards and I can't find many patches that actually have the full set of functions set up!

    Strangely enough I can't get the new edit tabs to show up on any of my CS80 patches or Diva... both updated to latest versions...

  • jef
    jef Member Posts: 23 Member

    Now I'm thinking I've got something wrong, just loaded a CS80V patch that Matt loads in the NI YT vid ("Lead the Aftertouch"), and mine still has no edit tab for the groups of controls (even if I press shift). The artwork doesn't work on any of my CS80v patches either... Might have to reinstall everything over here!

  • fisk1
    fisk1 Member Posts: 15 Member

    Hey Jef

    I also reinstalled some things many times now , some are working, and then again - they are not: strange and unstable behavior! My guess is that Komplete Kontrol 3 is kinda in beta status, many users complained about it. And if I wouldn't need it for the mk3, I would also go back to 2.9....

    And one of the first things I always tweak on presets are: volume(s), filters, fx* - so obvious to me , but strangely often missing on the first page and buried somewhere on page 14.... or not even there at all 🧐Except the play series (but then: not much to edit there, also sad!...)

    *most of the times to wet for my taste 😈

    But I hope they're working on their updates..., and might listen to us users??

  • jef
    jef Member Posts: 23 Member

    Another update: I couldn't see the CS80V and Diva edit tabs if I was in Cubase, but I could see them when I went standalone. Running a Plugin scan in KK3 software INSIDE Cubase did the trick! Not sure if it's because I had betas of KK3 that were gumming things up, but if this helps someone...

    Still no art for Augmented series or CS80, but the edit tabs are working!

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 559 Pro

    "I' ll have to say that in my opinion the best implementation so far goes to Diva, and in contrary Massive X is a real disapointment in handling/tweaking from the Keyboard 😕."

    It's really sad that Massive X is treated to stepmotherly. It's way too good for that.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,919 Expert

    Wow…if the original Jef Gibbons is here asking for informations we are in big troubles! ☺️

    When The Teacher have to ask to the students, something is wrong 😂

  • jef
    jef Member Posts: 23 Member

    Ha! Not so sure about that ;) I'm a student just like you... I put my pants on one leg at a time... and then I go make Youtube videos!

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,919 Expert
    edited October 2023

    …but I learned new ways to put my pants on from your videos…(btw: thank you!)

  • frankspappa
    frankspappa Member Posts: 26 Member

    Got my S49 today. Everything went smooth (macbook pro m1pro) and hardware is lovely. But no Arturia images here neither.

    Not a big deal but… it looked nice for the beta teaters on youtube 🤷‍♂️

    I have tried to reinstallarturia and rescan in komplete kontrol.

  • jef
    jef Member Posts: 23 Member

    If it's any consolation, I've never had the Arturia images! Just not working on mine for some reason...

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,661 mod

    If you've installed any product that isn't showing images, it's usually a caching issue that needs refreshing.

    You can locate the NI Resources folder, delete it, then open KK standalone and simply wait while it rebuilds (product images will populate until the list is full).

    I'm on my phone, and I don't remember the Windows location off hand, but on macOS it is Users/Shared/NIResources

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,661 mod
    edited November 2023

    Make sure you're loading VST3, and not VST2. And also, a rescan after install.

  • JC_101
    JC_101 Member Posts: 22 Member
    edited February 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi Jef.

    Try this. https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018591137-Product-Pictures-are-Missing-in-the-Komplete-Kontrol-Maschine-2-Browser

    I had issues with the CS-80v V4 artwork showing up in my S61 MK3 keyboard. And followed the instructions in the link above. In addition as Komplete Kontrol (KK) was crashing over the last couple of months when scanning on start up I also uninstalled that and reinstalled it. And all is good. No crashing, and not only is the artwork for the CS-80v V4 now showing when I load it in the S61 MK3 keyboard but also all the artwork for ALL the other Arturia instruments when I load them.

    Note, grab a drink and a sandwich as KK takes about 30-45mins to rescan all the plugins (I have a lot) and the same applies for Maschine 2. And if you see Arturia Spark in the browser don’t try and load it via the MK3 keyboard as it causes everything to freeze on the keyboard and computer.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,229 mod
    edited April 2024

    OK I got a MkIII delivered yesterday and the CS-80V was one of the first instruments I tried, straight away ran into this minor issue. It actually appears that Arturia's ASC seems not to have installed the banner image to the NI/Resources/Image/Arturia/CS-80v folder - it has for the others (eg the Augmenteds and Pigments) so I guess it's just an occasional glitch in the installer routine. If this is the case the above solution might not be enough.

    However I worked out an alternative fix that people might find useful for future reference. Arturia (also u-he and some other NKS partners) always install the resource files to 2 places so there is also a copy of all the image files in the main Arturia application support folder for each plugin (on my Mac it's /Library/Arturia/CS-80 V4) then you go to the Third Party subfolder /Library/Arturia/CS-80 V4/Third Party/Native Instruments/presets/PAResources/image and there they were installed correctly so I just copied them all over to the NI resources/image folder for CS-80v - all working now

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