Just received the MK3 keyboard - Feedback



  • Torsten 2023
    Torsten 2023 Member Posts: 10 Member

    I haven't read the article, but from a technical point of view I think it's unlikely, since these devices are manufactured under series conditions in China and won't be "demo devices" or failures. I suspect it is once again a Windows related issue, one or more port permissions or some host service program interfering with the update program. I have not heard or read of Apple users having the same problems. It will certainly be a software issue, which only increases my lack of understanding, because Windows is truly not a new operating system.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod

    So can anyone confirm at the moment exactly which MIDI setup and config functions (eg splits, pedal setup, MIDI templates) are available On device and which ones still need KK to work? (I know Play Assist does for now, anything else?)

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Did you buy direct from NI? If not, why not just arrange a return with the retailer that sold it to you?

  • superwotan
    superwotan Member Posts: 24 Member

    directly from NI

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    I'm on windows and having the same firmware update, and it's just agnoising. I really wouldn't expect users to have this issue.

    Still not updated after an hour of cables, hubs and power cycles. I'm going to have lunch and then start again.


  • superwotan
    superwotan Member Posts: 24 Member

    Well, don't bother, there is no way to fix this. at least I haven't found or read about.

    But maybe you should just try to turn off and on your computer (irony mode off :-))

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Reports are that this initial firmware fail is more of a Windows issue.

    Anyone stuck at this stage that has a buddy running macOS might consider asking an "update favor" to get over this initial hump.

    Just an idea for those anxious to get started!

    My initial fun was dampened a bit by Kontakt 7.6.1 not behaving well on macOS. But reverting to 7.6 got things running smoothly and I'm enjoying things very much.

  • superwotan
    superwotan Member Posts: 24 Member

    I got a response from support to my ticket. And once again I was directed to the trouble shooting section with the request, to follow the steps.

    As mentioned before I am tired and and did make use of the right of return. Hopefully they can arrange a pick up shortly and of course that I will get my money back soon.

    I don't believe that this is an easy issue to fix and I can not be the test dummy on behalf of NI.

    Have the tested the firmware updater only on MAC and not on Windows???

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru
    edited October 2023

    Looks like inputting notes, pitch and modulation is available for now on device. MIDI templates are not available neither in KK 3.0 nor on keyboard itself as NI “deprioritised” them :)

    They said this functionality will come in first half of 2024. I really wish good luck to all Mk3 owners and thank god that I do not use their hardware anymore…

  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper

    I hope you get that sorted out! FWIW I'm also on macOS and everything worked on the first shot with a S61mk3.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    I'm down to the "Mate with a Mac" option after having tried everything, and even if this works, I'm not going to be a happy camper. That Windows users cannot update the firmware with one click is so very, very stupid.

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    I received mine this morning.

    The lack of power issue is really annoying if you don't have USB C ports on the computer to start with.

    The computer I have here in the office with Native Access on it is an older Windows 7 machine on top of that, so I will have to bring my laptop tomorrow to try and see if it can successfully be installed without any hair pulling, as this morning was frustrating.

    On Native Access, which I have on 1 x Windows 10 machine and 2 x Windows 7 machines, how does it it work @Chris_NI ? Can I try this on as many machines as I want or will I end up hitting a wall when I set up my new music desktop in a few weeks?

    I actually don't need the 2 x current Native Access installs on the Windows 7 machines, as I had simply put it on those machines to experiment with the S61 Mk2, so what do you advise to do?


  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod
    edited October 2023

    Hi @superwotan

    Thank you for providing me the specs of your custom built PC.

    To contact hardware support, its listed in the KB article for troubleshooting: https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/14229160390045

    More specifically, use the 'Quick link' on the right 'Hardware Support'


    Will try to answer some of the questions on this page, as i do understand you are frustrated.

    First topic is the demo units you mentioned, that was a low number of units that were not meant for end customers, and all of those units are accounted for and returned. This was a mistake by the retailers. It is not related to the firmware update issues you are experiencing.

    The firmware update you are experiencing is likely due to the various combinations of PC hardware working together within a custom built PC which is causing some issues, in combination with Windows 11 as the OS. Thats why it is good for us to know, so we can replicate this type of testing scenario to see what else we can do to improve the firmware update process to account for these types of PC setups in the coming weeks.

    I will mention it again, in-market firmware updates are standard process, but i do understand. the frustration and for that I am sorry. Please let me know by DM is you do not reach Hardware support via the links i provided above.

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod

    Hi @Torsten 2023

    I asked you on the other thread, but can you provide me your specs of your computer having issues? Mac / PC? and is it official or custom built? which processors, etc..

  • xgman1
    xgman1 Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited October 2023

    I can't get the expression pedal to work at all. Just doesn't seem to map correctly even manually in the MK3 Settings/Pedals section. Sustain fine, just all others not mapping.

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