Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,408 Expert

    Probably this answer underline exactly the difference between when music companies were opened, managed and thought by musicians for musicians and now, with people at the top of the chain that wouldn’t give a f if the company is producing devices for musicians or tomatoes in a can.

    At that time, a musician thinking what to implement would have thought “You know what? This feature seems so important to me that I will put it in”. And musicians would have used it. Now everything is about how to please the mass (cause, of course, numbers matter).

    In the end, users use what you give them. If you give them tomatoes, it’s quite useless to say “our users eat tomatoes”. That’s what you gave them, what would you expect?

  • Thusis
    Thusis Member Posts: 37 Newcomer
    edited October 2023

    100%. That‘s why i hate private equitiy. When they find new industries to consolidate you see the result here. I guess you would not experience such a situation when a founder would still be in the company.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    I just got my shipping notice from Sweetwater for my S61 MK3.

    Very excited to be getting my fingers on it Monday!

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    I would argue the opposite; the difference since the founders exited is better software, greater engagement, upgraded product.

    And far too much emphasis on hip-hop, because Maschine 😂

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,408 Expert
    edited October 2023

    This could also have to do with the “Hollywood effect”.

    Take a mediocre director, tell him to make a blockbuster that will please the mass, cover him with money and probably the movie will be in any case a success.

    Money can hide a lot of problems.

    Which could speak in favor of your position: more money, more successful products

  • Home Studio
    Home Studio Member Posts: 71 Member

    Well I do it (but just the preset I like and no preview)... just saving NKS preset inside Komplete Kontrol 2.9.. but it's not a NKS problem because if I wanna load Electra or Waterfall in the KK plugin menu , Komplete Kontrol crah... And it's just came with the first beta of KK 3

  • Hywel
    Hywel Member Posts: 50 Member

    Thanks for your reply Matthew and for confirming that KK 3 is a requirement for Mk 3 hardware to function.

    I have no idea how many of your customers for the new Mk 3 hardware are DAW based music producers (either hobby or pro, upgraders or new customers), a significant proportion I would think though. I suspect that when their new Mk 3 keys land on their desks in a few days time they might be a little disappointed with the DAW based KK 3 experience if the comments in this forum are anything to go by.

    On another forum, in a galaxy not that far away, that wise and seasoned sage, ED (EvilDragon) stated that the Mk 1 keyboards had been in development for "at least 2-3 years" prior to their initial release. I don't know how long the MK 3s have been in development for, but shouldn't the software have been cooking for the same length of time?

    I'm probably just channelling/transferring my irritation at having to upgrade my S88 Mk 1 which I've had pretty much from its hardware release, to an S88 Mk 3 because essentially now the Mk 1 is for the recycling bin.

    !!!RANT ALERT!!!

    In just a matter of days in terms of DAW use at least, I've gone from a relatively content S 88 Mk 1 user with a happy DAW functioning workflow, to finding out...

    1. by an email that the S88 will no longer be supported in the NI world going forward, and any KK (or other possibly OS) software upgrade will break it's EXISTING functionality,

    2. that it's successor software - KK 3, which was released a day or so LATER to the announcement of MK 1 EoL, and a few days BEFORE Mk 3 launch, has at least partially crippled DAW based functioning compared to that which I have been used to.

    and worst of all...

    3. the new KK 3 software will HAVE to be present if and when a new Mk 3 lands on my desk.

    OK, rant over, I'm going to do my breathing exercises now...

  • wjoyce
    wjoyce Member Posts: 14 Member

    I wish I'd come here first and read the feedback. I excitedly installed KK3 thinking that NI were bound to have addressed the preset visibility and resizing problems of v2 as that's been a major complaint since the software was released, but no, they've actively made it worse!!!

    I'm in absolute disbelief! Completely gobsmacked.

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 73 Member
    edited October 2023

    ni could learn something from minimal audio. a few days ago minimal audio released their new synth but unfortunately turned all of their users against them due to a subscription model and no way to buy it. after a few days of the user base making complaints and expressing dissatisfaction, minimal audio back tracked on this decision and listened to the wants and needs of their users. i hope ni can do the same here as im one of many that is now looking to phase kk out of my work flow due to the software taking a massive step backwards. i was lusting over a mk3 keyboard but now that desire has gone

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited October 2023

    I think there is a huge difference. The fact is NI have already stated that the current release does not have all the features they have planned for it, and most of those such as resizing of the browser window, returning edibility for NKS creators (with enhancements I am told), and improved accessibility are already on the agenda. So they are not needing to change as a result of people's complaints, they are aware themselves there is further work to be done and have already made plans to do that, which were in place well before this was released. You may question why then it was released at all in an unfinished state but that is true of most software these days, the release version over time evolves to have additional features. They had a deadline imposed by the release of the new keyboards so had to prioritise which features would be in the first release and which would come in future updates.

    I'm not saying don't stop keeping up the pressure btw, just that this is not the same scenario, with Minimal Audio they made plans for something and had to change them radically as a result of pressure from users, in this case the plans to further develop in the direction users want are already there. Keeping up the pressure may help ensure that happens but it is not making NI change their course, the course they have set is already mostly in alignment with what users are wanting (at least in relation to the issues I identified).

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 73 Member

    my biggest issue is that i can only see 8 presets at a time (a bit like arturias analog lab, which i think is just as bad). the gui real estate needs to get its priorities right.

    also, having to switch pages to browse presets and edit the plugin is a big no from me, no drag and drop

    everything about kk3 is wrong and a slap in the face to existing users who paid good money and now have to either adapt to something far less intuitive or abandon. im going with the later if the experience is any less than it was. im really angry because ive spent thousands on third party libraries because i enjoyed the experience of using them.

    was so looking forward to geting a mk3 keyboard for the poly aftertouch.

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 85 Helper

    Could Native Access also allow for easier search and browse and actual filtering. It’s a nightmare to get clarity on what libraries from what manufacturer has or hasn’t been installed. I own many spitfire and sonniccouture libraries on top of Komplete ultimate 14 ultimate collectors edition and it’s a nightmare to figure out what’s what.

    another useful feature would be to have a description of what the actual library is and other information on top of size, links to developer product page etc

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    You can drag the centre bar to show more, now the search part is horizontal not vertical, and not constrained by the tags, it does free up some space

    Yeah I hate having to switch views myself, again NI are aware of that and in particular how it messes up drag and drop of samples, I hope to see some sort of solution that addresses that.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,009 Expert
    edited October 2023

    I am happy I have KK S88 MK1 and so I am out of this madness as I cannot use KK v3 anyway.

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 73 Member
    edited October 2023

    thanks for pointing that out, the interface still seems very cluttered with large icons for each libarary. i was fine with the left panel for browsing with each library seperated by drums & percussion, sampled instruments, synthesizers. you could close down each section to make brosing quicker. it all still feels very wrong to me

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