Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru
    edited October 2023

    So this may come across as a long read - but I want to be as clear as possible, and perhaps provide some tiny insight to those on this thread, which wasn't meant to be a "HEY WHAT THE F" but more feedback on some issues.

    @Matt_NI Really appreciate the willingness to engage and respond - that's a big improvement on interaction with users from NI.

    I also think it's fair to separate user experience from user journeys. For those that don't know what a user journey is; it's mainly utilised when desinging software. For example, a user journey might be:

    "As a user, I want to delete presets in the Komplete Kontrol browser."


    "As a user, I want to display either presets, or the plugin with the press of a button."

    Using user journey's you can prioritise in development, sometimes into Must have, Nice to have, or Not essetnial. This thinking helps define how software is developed, and I will admit, apps/executables are way different to my experience- software platforms (although I work with a team who code, and I design).

    Firstly, I can understand when some things are less important for different development sprints; and where they might appear in subsequent sprints. I hate sprints as a designer, but understand why they're used and for the most part, they work as intended.

    I think, where Matt's hit the nail on the head here, is that we're power users on this forum. I might be quite unhappy with some of the omissions forn KK3.0, because User Journey prioritisationn has led to some poor user experience. But as power users, we might use more of what's not implemented as yet, while the average user has a great expreience.

    The quesiton I would ask of @Matt_NI is what kind of interaction was had with users at the design stage? Did NI speak to the average user and power users, one of those groups, or not at all? It just feels like some of these things were easy wins to be had.

    The reason I say this, is that I understand the need to bring all software, wherever possible under the same tech stack. Uniform browser experience is probbaly the biggest hurdle to developing multiple software lines in tandem, rather than in silos, as teams move from one project to the next.

    At the very least, there's a lot that can be learned for an upcoming update to Maschine, where you cannot simply implement the new browser, because to do so would change the excepted norms of workflow and display from every major DAW out there.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Quite beefy - Windows 11 - Core i7, 64GB, plenty of available CPU and memory.

    However, I'm guessing this might be a database issue. For the same actions in the Kontakt 7 browser, zero slowdown. In Maschine, zero slowdown. In KK, with a newly rebuilt database upon insttall, slowdown depending on the number of products in a brand category.

    I only have about 50% of my libraries installed, but I've a feeling if I had all of them, it would be longer, given some of the brand investments.

    I'll do a bit more testing today, and see if I can narrow anthing down.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Also still no effect version which is getting silly really - how are we supposed to be using fx without actually being able to use them as a fx or even automate them in a DAW - in practice this means if you want to use fx in KK you always have to record directly to audio

  • Rogus Ratus
    Rogus Ratus Member Posts: 8 Member

    Everything the OP mentioned. I'm still looking at the library through a pinhole. Really, really disappointed.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Not yet, apparently, but confirmed as planned in the AMA. This is a gamechanger, for me.

  • ginko
    ginko Member Posts: 23 Member
    edited October 2023

    I've had a positive thought on this fiasco.

    Kore 1 -remember what happened? too was an unmitigated disaster and NI turned it completely around. They basically withdrew Kore 1 software totally and then came up with Kore 2, one of the greatest software they have ever made.

    So NI, have the humilty to withdraw and try again. 

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Yeah would be for me too - long awaited - hopefully not as long for it to happen

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 61 Member

    @Matt_NI Can we please have the option to downgrade to V2? Thanks 👍️

  • Tulio Guilherme Grunwald
    Tulio Guilherme Grunwald Member Posts: 19 Member

    Is there away to get back to 2.9 SW version?

    I using REAPER, Ryzen 9 (last gen), 64gb ram DDR5, 4tb SSD, never got any issues with KK SW 2.

    Yesterday I update it to 3.0 and it crashes ALL my projects, no matter if I use 1 instance or 50 instances of plugin.

    I run some tests, with a blank project and discover KK 3.0 it just can't handle any Arturia Synths without crashing!

    Sometimes it crashes even with only NI plugins

    Standalone KK 3.0 not having problems, but when I load a synth inside VST3 version, it's crashing REAPER about 1 or 2 minutes of browsing and selecting presets...

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,079 Expert
  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 61 Member
    edited October 2023

    Thanks to both you and @Vocalpoint Up 'n' running like nothing happened ;)

  • Keith Cocker
    Keith Cocker Member Posts: 129 Advisor

    Ad Hominem and misleading comments are never helpful. Matt is not, in my opinion, "smooth talking". Throughout theses threads he has been polite and professional. I am happily using KK3.00 with no problems whatsoever.

This discussion has been closed.
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