Komplete 12 License Duration on Windows 7

adEY08394 Member Posts: 49 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

Will Komplete 12 work on Windows 7 forever, or will Native Instruments eventually make it impossible to reinstall on W7?

Best Answer



  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru


    If you haven't upgraded Komplete, your account and 'Access' will show your original purchase always. And its specifications will not change.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod
    Answer ✓

    Komplete 12 is a bundle products that are regularly updated. To find what versions are supported on Windows 7 and the download links you can check this article: Compatibility of Native Instruments Products on Windows

    You can still run Native Access 1 on WIndows 7 Native Access 1 Legacy Installers for Older Operating Systems

    But at some point Native Access 1 will be discontinued.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    OK, I feel stupid.

    I guess its good that you can get improved versions, but your initial purchase should always be available with the option to make updates. That's what you paid for.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,118 Expert

    One day it may happen (it will happen), is will not be possible to authorise installations even thought if one installs everything.

    Jeremy has mentioned that one day NA1 will be discontinued. And I am not sure if NA2 runs on Win7....

  • adEY08394
    adEY08394 Member Posts: 49 Member
    edited January 2023

    How long until Native Access 1 is discontinued and customers can no longer reinstall their purchases on legacy OS's?

    And how will I use my legacy hardware?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    @adEY08394 That should come this year. No date at the moment. There will probably be some workarounds for certain products and all of this will be announced in advance.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,118 Expert

    OK and how will people install and authorise NI SW on Win7? NI has to provide way to authorise SW on Win 7 ( OS system SW has been marketed for). Otherwise customers have legal right to reverse engineer the protection system and break it. And maybe also ask NI to pay for money/effort spent....

    NI has to maintain means of authorisation for older OSes like Win 7.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,112 Expert
    edited February 2023

    Actually - no they do not. Windows 7 is 100% retired and now fully unsupported by Microsoft.

    More importantly - you have no legal rights to Windows 7 OR any NI software that you purchase. You certainly cannot reverse engineer, claim "ownership" or anything else.

    You (and I) have been granted a license to "use" the software and when that usage period (Lifecycle) has concluded per the vendor - your normal usage period (where you get updates, security fixes etc) ends as well. AKA - time to move to something that is supported.

    Why would any company allow any use of a retired operating system when they know that they cannot even ask the vendor about it any longer? Not to mention when you (or anyone else still clinging to Windows 7) asking for support of something goes haywire with your install? How is NI supposed to support you if Microsoft will not.

    Get past the marketing and move at least to Windows 10 AND NA2 so you are supported. And I am 100% certain that you will be able to authorize anything under Komplete 12 in NA2 anyway.

    Once NA1 is gone - which will be VERY soon - none of this will matter anyway...


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,118 Expert

    Well, nobody is asking for support. There may be many good reasons to use old OS. There are no drivers for HW used on newer OS, other SW does not run on newer OS. And so on.

    NI has to provide means to authorise their SW even on legacy OSes.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,112 Expert
    edited February 2023

    I think you are seriously misunderstanding the meaning of "support".

    Support is not simply making someone available on the NI help desk when a problem occurs - support extends deep into design and development, coding, testing and on and on to ensure your SW continues to work on a dead platform.

    And then let's entertain this - what if a K12 product suddenly gets an update? Now NA2 needs to be updated to handle that. Are you expecting NI to code this for Windows 10, Windows 11 and the now dead Windows 7 to ensure every possible combo is addressed?

    Be very careful when you say you are not "asking" for support - because you actually are.

    Also - it is not up to NI (or any vendor) to support your use of an unsupported OS or worry about your old hardware drivers and so on. That is on you to deal with as the rest of us move on with newer tech.

    Finally - rest assured that NI WILL provide you the means to authorize K12 certainly within NA2 - but they will provide that means under a supported OS. You can either accept that or not.


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,036 Expert

    @Vocalpoint is right, once an OS is unsupported officially by the developer, companies no longer have to provide any support for it. If it came down to going to court, the EULA would have the case settled in a matter of minutes as the day an OS is considered out of support, software is also now out of support by default.

    Apple does this with more aggression where hardware can be locked out at a certain point completely so a user has no choice but to update their system after approx 10 years. Windows only introduced "hardware limits" in Win11 which TBH make zero sense in some cases.

    The unfortinate thing with NI software is the activation is now ONLY online so it forces people to have to update but to be fair, Win7 is damn old now so it's probably time to consider an upgrade.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,118 Expert

    Well, developer does not have to provide support for unsupported OSes. He just must allow customer to use it to his will as is. If authorising is needed developer must provide means of authorising. Or remove need of authorising for obsolete OS/SW.

    I do not say Native Access has to run on Win7 forever, but some kind of program for sure. Maybe something very simple for offline authorisation.

    Wi7 is old, but one may need to run it for reason. For example I still use even older WinXP... But I also use Win10 and Win11. I use 7 computers.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,112 Expert
    edited February 2023

    Well - you still can use NA 1 "as is" until that day that it disappears for good.

    AND as far as supporting authorization - NI already does that with NA2.

    They could also easily declare authorization of ANY supported version of Komplete can only be done on Windows 10 or 11 and MUST use NA2 (this is what I would do).

    This meets their obligation to ensure products can be correctly authorized and also ensures that everyone is using a supported OS.

    What that means for you is upgrade to Windows 10 (which is lightyears better than Win 7 will ever be) and continue to get value from your NI software OR arrive at a point (in the not-too-distant future) where you can no longer authorize anything and have no access to your NI software because you insist on using an OS that is completely dead.

    I have to admit - I can't believe you are actually defending Win 7 (and inventing reasons to keep it) here in 2023 when the solution is so easy - move to Win 10 Pro and all your problems are solved.


  • adEY08394
    adEY08394 Member Posts: 49 Member

    When NI stops the product registration process on legacy OS's, how will I use my legacy hardware like the D2 if there are no drivers for the latest OS's?

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