S88 MK1 not following track selection in Ableton Live

Johan Smolinski
Johan Smolinski Member Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Running Ableton Live with Komplete Kontrol integration, having more than one track with Komplete Kontrol instances with different plugins loaded, I can switch between them using the up/down keys on the S88. Doing so will reflect the change on the keyboard and update the lightguide accordingly. Transport control is also working fine. Awesome! However, if I change the track using the mouse in the software, or using the Push, it is not reflected on the S88.

In my MIDI settings of Live, the first Control Surface is Komplete Kontrol Mk1 (from the MIDI Remote Scripts), and both Input and Output is set to Komplete Kontrol DAW - 1. In MIDI Ports configuration, I have everything unselected except In: Komplete Kontrol S88 (Port 1): Track. I have tried pretty much any combination of selecting/deselecting In and Out ports related to the Komplete Kontrol, but this is the best functioning configuration I've found so far.

Pretty sure this used to work, but now I am unable to figure it out. I have MIDI Remote Scripts installed and configured according to the following documentation. I also use the Komplete Kontrol instrument rack (au).


MacBook Pro 16" M1 Max, macOS 12.6.2 Monterey, Ableton Live 11.2.7 (running ARM natively), Komplete Kontrol 2.1.8

Best Answer

  • Johan Smolinski
    Johan Smolinski Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2023 Answer ✓

    Well, I kinda found a workaround. There is a secret option in Ableton Live 11 to automatically arm the track on selection. By enabling that, everything works as I intend. I have yet to discover any drawbacks of this.

    Meanwhile, let's call this a change request, because I still think the S88 should follow track changes without the need to arm them.

    For anyone coming here for rescue (and for myself after upgrading to the next version of Live), here is how to enable the secret option. First close Live if it is running. Put a text file called Options.txt into your Live preferences directory. On macOS it is located in your home directory/Library/Preferences/Ableton/<your specific version of Live>/. In that file, enter on a single line:


    Save this file and start Live. Now the track should be armed as soon you select it, both within the software and from Push (or probably any other controller).


  • Keith Cocker
    Keith Cocker Member Posts: 130 Advisor

    The same issue now occurs for me in Logic. Its very annoying.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,413 mod

    We double checked with a M1 in ARM mode and in Rosetta mode. Track focus works but you need to arm the track with the mouse, not select it for the keyboard to follow the change.

  • Johan Smolinski
    Johan Smolinski Member Posts: 7 Member

    Ok, that actually does work! Thanks! Though, I would argue the focus should follow also by selecting the track "unarmed". Otherwise it won't follow when changing track with the Push, which is what I do. Where is the problem? In the MIDI Scripts, Ableton Live or Komplete Kontrol?

    For instance, if I change the track with the mouse, S88 does not follow, but Push does. When I change with Push, S88 does not follow, but the software does. When changing on the S88, both the software and the Push do. It's just the last piece of the puzzle that is missing for everything to feel perfectly integrated.

  • Johan Smolinski
    Johan Smolinski Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2023 Answer ✓

    Well, I kinda found a workaround. There is a secret option in Ableton Live 11 to automatically arm the track on selection. By enabling that, everything works as I intend. I have yet to discover any drawbacks of this.

    Meanwhile, let's call this a change request, because I still think the S88 should follow track changes without the need to arm them.

    For anyone coming here for rescue (and for myself after upgrading to the next version of Live), here is how to enable the secret option. First close Live if it is running. Put a text file called Options.txt into your Live preferences directory. On macOS it is located in your home directory/Library/Preferences/Ableton/<your specific version of Live>/. In that file, enter on a single line:


    Save this file and start Live. Now the track should be armed as soon you select it, both within the software and from Push (or probably any other controller).

  • Johan Smolinski
    Johan Smolinski Member Posts: 7 Member

    Related: If more than one track is armed, the lightguide does not follow selection among them, not even if selected on S88 itself. I am pretty convinced this is not the intended behaviour. So, now I think it's all clear to me how it works. Please see this as a change request! The focus should be on the currently selected track, regardless of arming.

    Thanks Jeremy for pointing me in the right direction! I've spent hours trying to figure out what is going on. I'm fine now, as it seems to be consistent, but I still think it is a bug, or at least an undesired implementation.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,413 mod

    @Johan Smolinski Thanks a lot for the update and the additional steps to get it to work. This will be helpful for other users for sure. Thanks for sharing. I will forward this to development but I don't think there will be drastic changes to how MK1 keyboards are integrated. It is also something related to Ableton's implementation for third party controllers and it does not affect only our keyboards.

  • Johan Smolinski
    Johan Smolinski Member Posts: 7 Member

    Ok, thanks for your honesty! Fair enough. Is the MK2 behaving differently?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,413 mod

    Sorry to reply so late but MK2 behaves the same!

This discussion has been closed.
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