Issues: Native Access Is Stuck on Installing Previews

Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,504 mod
edited October 2024 in Native Access

The Native Browser Previews Library tends to fail on Windows when it exceeds the 255 character limit.

 It seems that Native Access does not catch that error and "Previews" remains indefinitely as "installing" in the Download Queue.

 Please carry out the following workaround:

Quit Native Access and restart your computer

Run the Previews installer directly via the following link, and make sure to select a short installation path: Previews installer

 Restart Native Access


  • Garry
    Garry Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    Hey, looks like I am having the same issue here unfortunately.

    I've tried saving the Previews folder lower down in the root (as low as possible) but no success. I've also tried closing Native Access and restarting my computer but when I reopen Native Access Previews is still stuck on installing and I cannot stop it. Can you please advise if possible?



  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro


    I found that the longest filename path string was 246 characters (IIRC) which after the <Previews> folder leaves space for, at most, about 8 characters of folder name at the root of the drive.

    I had to go from root <X:\NIprvw\Previews...> et al in order to not break the Julian NTFS naming system in Windows.

  • Garry
    Garry Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    @Brad Yost

    Thanks for the response! Any ideas as to how to stop the installing process so I can try downloading again to a new folder? :D

  • Brad Yost
    Brad Yost Member Posts: 354 Pro

    Task manager &RMB force quit and/or reboot computer.

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