Maschine Jam in Generic MIDI Mode Not Showing As MIDI Input in Logic Pro

velanche Member Posts: 53 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine


I have Logic Pro 10.7.5. I found that I'm unable to use Maschine Jam as a MID controller in Logic. Looking inside the CS setup, while the Jam will show up via the MIDI Output drop down when I choose Mackie Control, the MIDI Input shows up as "Invalid Input." When I use the drop-down menu, the Jam is not showing up on the list. I do see on the device that the light brightens on the current track in Logic, but none of the buttons on the device seems to communicate with Logic. The issue happens in both Rosetta and native ARM.

I did briefly opened up Ableton Live to see if it may be a hardware issue, but the inputs there were usable: the buttons and the touch pads, all working.

This is a bit of weirdness and I'm hoping someone else might know what's going on.



Best Answer

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member
    Answer ✓

    @Jeremy_NI Thanks for the reply; I’ve since resolved my issue.

    I was trying to use Jam as a control surface, like I have done previously. I’m now able to use it again.

    The reason for the “invalid input” error was that, for some reason, in Logic Pro—>Control Surface—->MIDI —>Inputs tab, there were two instances of “Maschine Jam - 1 Input” listed. After unchecking one and checking the other, the conflict cleared up.

    Not sure what how it happened, but thankfully switching from one to the other sorted things out.

    Again, not sure how there are two instances. But, there it is.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Hey @velanche It is not clear what you are trying to achieve here. Do you want host control for Logic from the Jam or do you want to use the Jam as a MIDI controller to play virtual instruments? Unfortunately you can't do both.

    In any case make sure to select this MIDI input in Logic:

    If you want to use the Jam as MIDI controller to play instruments in Logic you should simply use the default Controller Editor template if you just want to use it as a standard MIDI controller. You can do that by choosing Edit -> New.

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member
    Answer ✓

    @Jeremy_NI Thanks for the reply; I’ve since resolved my issue.

    I was trying to use Jam as a control surface, like I have done previously. I’m now able to use it again.

    The reason for the “invalid input” error was that, for some reason, in Logic Pro—>Control Surface—->MIDI —>Inputs tab, there were two instances of “Maschine Jam - 1 Input” listed. After unchecking one and checking the other, the conflict cleared up.

    Not sure what how it happened, but thankfully switching from one to the other sorted things out.

    Again, not sure how there are two instances. But, there it is.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @velanche Thanks for the update, glad it's working now.

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