Kontakt 7 Factory Library "the instrument belongs to a library that not installed" error message



  • iSiXiSi
    iSiXiSi Member Posts: 3 Member

    Tried the reinstall NA1 but nope, same problem here. NI's workaround mac link - not sure what that'll achieve but don't fancy downloading 37GB again on the off-chance. Guess I'll wait it out. Hurry up please, NI.

  • monospark
    monospark Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Been fighting with this for 2 weeks. FINALLY doing the downgrade to Native access 1, keeping the Native Apps folder under Apps (was on External) and installing the Factory Library (using the ISO directly) to its default location (user/shared) has worked! Rest of libraries are still on external and all seem good.

    Now question is if I update Native Access to 2 will it Break it? Is that the reason it broke or just the installation under Native Access 2? Do we just stick with NA1 for now? (not really going to update unless I hear different cuz then I'm back to broken again.)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Running Native Access 2 again should not be a problem.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert


    I just purchased my upgrade to Komplete 14 Ultimate today (from Komplete 13 ULT) and I am taking things one step at a time - starting with Kontakt.

    As of this moment, K6 remains installed and working and it appears that Kontakt 7 Player (which was forced to install during another K13 addition a few months ago via Native Access 1) has now suddenly turned into K7.13 Full (presumably due to my full license of K7 becoming available today after my upgrade purchase). I am running Windows 10 Pro and all other NI Software is full operational. I can see and access Kontakt Factory Library 1 WITH K 7.13 with no issues in addition to all the other Komplete 13/14/Third Party Kontakt based products that I had previously installed.

    As my first Komplete 14 ULT task - I want to install the new K7 Factory Library 2 (via NA2) - and then stumbled onto this thread - which does not promote confidence in how this might turn out - especially for a 40GB download. I have questions on your "workaround":

    1 Please first reinstall Kontakt 7 via Native Access.

    You do not mention an "uninstall" of K7 - is that assumed or....?

    2 Next, apply the following steps to KFL2: Fixing Software Update Installation Issues (Windows)

    This utility looks scary and the page to download it does NOT explain what it does. Does this thing simply delete and clean specific registry keys for KFL2? Or does it kick off the uninstaller? What does it actually do?

    3 Next, delete the 91b443f7-08d6-483c-8bd6-e4402e74dd32.jwt file in the following folder: 

    C: > Users > Public > Public Documents > Native Instruments > Native Access > ras3

    Assuming this file is placed during the NA2 install of KFL2? I do not have this file on my machine.

    Restart computer and open Native Access.

    Assuming we are talking NA2? I see some folks inserting an undocumented rollback to NA1 as a possible "additional" fix. Is that MacOS only or for us Windows folks too?

    Press “...” next to KFL2 and select “Locate”

    Point Native Access to the KFL2 folder

    These two steps assume that the scary action with the utility in Step 2 does not actually uninstall KFL2 - as it appears the 40GB download should still be intact.

    Finally, open Kontakt 7 in standalone as admin.

    If you could comment on my questions before I attempt the 40GB KFL2 install - I would appreciate it.

    Another side question might be - is this issue 100% common - as in it will hapen to everyone regardless of how they go about the install of KFL2 - or is this issue rather rare - as in - just a small portion of the user base is reporting issues?



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @Vocalpoint This issue doesn't happen for everyone, we don't know why it happens for the moment, it's still under investigation. Only happens for a small group of people.

    I'll try to answer your various questions:

    1. Simply reinstall, there is a reinstall button in Native Access, it reinstalls and that's it.
    2. This program is just an installer for NI products on Windows system, nothing scary about it. You can select what you want to uninstall. It will delete the registry entries for the library but not the library folder where the samples and files are stored.
    3. The fix provided by one of our users (downgrading to Native Access 1) will also work for Windows, it's just longer (the time to download these 40Gb)

    You should simply try and install the library and see if that's an issue, there is not so much to worry about.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert


    Thanks for the update. I went ahead and installed KFL2 and no issues to report. Everything is loading correctly.



  • Buddy Love
    Buddy Love Member Posts: 10 Member

    Hello All...

    I started this thread over two weeks ago to ask for support in solving the issuing of the Kontakt Factory Library 2.. error messages in Kontakt 7 Thanks to everyone who responded and I empathise with your frustration.. I was away on vaction for 2 weeks so i couldnt addess the issue .. but i did get an email from NI support that gave instructions on how to solve the issue and below is my response :

    Hello ...

    I have followed these instructions to the letter .. and done so twice..

    to make sure ...

    1.Please first reinstall Kontakt 7 via Native Access.  DONE

    • Next, apply the following steps to KFL2:

    Fixing Software Update Installation Issues (Windows) DONE


    • Next, delete the 91b443f7-08d6-483c-8bd6-e4402e74dd32.jwt file in the following folder:

    C: > Users > Public > Public Documents > Native Instruments > Native Access > ras3    DONE


    • Restart computer and open Native Access. DONE

    • Press "..." next to KFL2 and select "Locate"  DONE , 

    • Point Native Access to the KFL2 folder  DONE and get a message of it successfully finding the library

    • Finally, open Kontakt 7 in standalone as admin.
    • DONE.. and get the same error message as before.. That the Instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed..

              At this point I have exhausted all attempts to fix this.. and your suggestions have not solved the issue... I have wasted at least 24 hours, probably more collectively trying to solve this issue ... 

     Any other company would be on the phone with me trying to solve this issue but not Native instruments.. This is not my first issue or problem with your products ..

    There have been numerous times in the past... and it appears from the tread I created in the community channel I am not alone with being frustrated with your lack of credible support for issues that should not occur in the first place..

    I own plenty of VST instruments and plugins from other reputable vendors and have never had any challenges as is the case with installation and functionality of your products..

    It's a real shame, as your products are great `when `they work ..

    Please inform me what you are going to do to remedy the situation


  • richardsun
    richardsun Member Posts: 12 Member

    i installed the workaround to my hard drive and thereafter had no problem moving the content to an external drive.

  • docno
    docno Member Posts: 2 Member

    @NI are you working on a general solution for this messy issue? Looks like plenty of users having this issue (me included). So a general solution without any workarounds would be highly recommended as people cannot use a huge part of their library...

  • docno
    docno Member Posts: 2 Member

    Sorry, but this does not fix the issue with missing Thumbnails on my Intel Mac. Any other suggestions?

  • brndgtl
    brndgtl Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Also having this issue on a Komplete 14 upgrade on a brand new MacBook. I’ve reinstalled Kontakt, no improvement

  • Buddy Love
    Buddy Love Member Posts: 10 Member

    I got this to work... Finally after too many attempts to count..

    I am sorry i cannot give you exact instructions as I really don't know what I did different..

    Except possibly:..................

    1. I made sure the drive I was actually going to access the library from was the SAME as my downloading drive FYI it was an SSD drive
    2. I was using NA Version 1 ( not that that should matter)
    3. NA would never install properly , so I extracted the zipped file and installed it manually BUT.. I had Native access closed when I did this ...
    4. After it installed I re opened NA and pointed it to the folder the KFL2 was located in.. For some reason this time it worked ... Good luck
  • Chaos411
    Chaos411 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Not going to lie, extremely disappointed in purchasing Komplete CE and have this issue with the main library. Work around hasn't helped me yet and this is off a clean install of the OS as well.

  • aschek
    aschek Member Posts: 1 Member

    I have tried everything and NOTHING so far.. on latest MAC versions...

    We should be making music, not de-bugging software...

    NI, get your act together... your software is not cheap, and we expect a much better support and solutions.

  • zachnfine
    zachnfine Member Posts: 3 Member

    I was suffering from this same issue, on Mac (macOS Ventura 13.0.1, Apple M1 Ultra CPU). I re-installed Kontakt Library 2 twice using Native Access to no avail. It installed a ton of files, but Kontakt Player 7 still popped up that error when I tried to load any of them. Right-clicking the selected instrument/sample in Kontakt Player 7 allowed me to choose to show the file in the Finder, and it did find the .nki files successfully. So Kontakt Player 7 knew where the instruments are, knew they're registered, and yet couldn't use them.

    I quit Kontakt Player 7 and Native Access, also killed every Native Instruments process in Terminal, then downloaded and ran the installer on the provided ISO. That fixed the issue!

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