Clipping, cuting, not exporting right

Adalbert Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Dear fellows I have small question linked with Maschine and I slowly give up...

I'm not able to play any sounds without cutting, strange sounding popping etc.

What is really strange, eventhough I will be able somehow (after few minutes of playing chosen sound) to record 4 bar line which sounds +/- good, the exported wave file is cutted in the middle of each phrase...

I slowly give up.

I worked Maschine last few years, recorded albums without problems but now... the same computer, the same RAM etc and it's nearly impossible to work.

Is there any solution??


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I had similar problems when I started to use big Kontakt libraries. The source of problems was, I did not have suffitient RAM size to load them without swapping RAM to disc.... I had SSD, but still, there were glitches, pops and even when exporting waw there were problems (missing parts of sounds, ...).

    Do you have enought RAM? Some Kontakt Libraries take easily 5 GB memory each....

  • Adalbert
    Adalbert Member Posts: 11 Member

    Well 16GB. My Mac is from 2015, SSD HD and seems that newest libraries just killing it. For instance I'm not able to export (not to say about recording) 4 bars of fruity Gentleman piano chords... missing part of sounds eventhough seems to be ok in the pattern.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    1) I am not Mac user, so I do not know how to check there, how much of RAM Maschine takes. Check if in troublesome projects RAM is not swapped to disc. If you use less RAM than you physically have.

    2) If that is OK, then check load of CPU. But not just CPU as whole, but also individual cores.

    My guess is that your projects use too much memory, it is swapped to disc and does not load again on time. And so, certain notes are missing. It is possible to use purge functionality in Kontakt, so that less memory is needed. I have not used this functionality, so I cannot help you how to use it. Also you may upgrade RAM memory, if it is possible. And financially feasible.

    And 2015 is pretty old computer, its CPU may be rather weak for current days. It depends what CPU do you have and what clock speed it uses.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2022

    You could have a billion terabytes of Ram on that thing, wouldn't make any difference. I had an i5 2015 MBP (dual-core), it was terrible with Maschine for the last few years, it's was just too slow. Got me an M1 with 8GB of Ram for 900$ and it's a night and day difference.

    If you want to keep that computer (since it's an i7?) stick to old OS's and old Machine versions.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro

    If your on a windows based PC I would definitely say it’s time to upgrade. You could more than likely just replace the motherboard, CPU and RAM. The power supply, video card (if used or required), case and storage drives should be ok to reuse. If you’re a Mac user then it’s probably time to invest in a newer model.

  • Adalbert
    Adalbert Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks for your opinions! Seems that sooner or later I should get M1 or M2 computer to be happy with this unit...

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro
    edited December 2022

    Hey just curious about how well Maschine runs on your system. I have the opportunity to buy a used MacBook Air M1 but it’s only 8gb RAM and I’m a bit concerned about that. Is 8gb Ram enough , when you have the M1 chip?

    currently I have an older Macbook Pro, 2012, but it’s 16gb of RAM, 4 core i7 and Maschine runs pretty well overall still, but an improvement would be nice sometimes

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Is 8gb Ram enough , when you have the M1 chip?

    It depends, what Kontakt Libraries you use. How much memory do you need now? I am not Mac user, but AFAIK M1 has fast memory swapping to SSD. So, 8 GB might be OK, even if your application needs more. D-One might tell you, if that is so.

    But, massively (very frequently big chunks) swapping memory to SSD worns out SSD which has limited amount of writes. And I am not sure if SSD is replacable when it deteroites too much. If yes, no great deal, just replace it when needed. If SSD is not replacable, I would not use much more memory (frequently) than one physically has.

    IMHO 8 GB and small SSD is killing combination in case of masive swapping RAM to SSD. Time will show in few years, if that is real problem or SSD survives other computer parts despite massive RAM swapping to SSD....

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro

    Thanks for the reply. Hmmmm, I am not sure how to determine, how much memory I am using now for my kontakt libraries? Is there an easy way to check how much the libraries are actually using?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Just try how much RAM you use. Or how much Maschine/DAW/Kontakt uses. For example Stradivari Violin patch may take about 5 GB.

    I do not know, how to check RAM usage on Mac. On Win one may have a graph that shows RAM used over time, or list of aplications and RAM used by them.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2022

    Runs very nicely and I'm still on Rosetta.

    For me 8Gb is OK for my intended use of a laptop, the first project from the lib, "Anti Blocker" plays with a buffer of only 32 using the built-in interface, it barely uses any resources (just to give and easy point of comparison you might try), this however is a very low ram usage example.

    In terms of overall speed you would probably see an improvement but If 8GB is enough for you depends on how you work, if you depend on heavy Kontakt stuff then no, it def won't be enough. Something like the Stradivari Violin that @Kubrak mentioned fills my ram with just 2 instances and kontakt asks me to purge (Mind you i have no ideia how to optimize Kontakt's disk streaming and memory usage, maybe it's possible but i doubt it).. Thats a 20GB+ lib tho.

    Even with 16GB of ram using that sort of instruments on a passively cooled laptop seems silly, this is not really the right computer for anyone doing realistic orchestral stuff imo, but I can use say at least 5-7 of more normal instruments like Hybrid Keys, Rickenbacker, The Maverick, etc... I never used more than 10 of these in a single project (in a laptop) so i really don't know what the limit is but i reckon its somewhere around that number, either single digit or low 2 digit.

    If you want PM me your typical Maschine project and I'll post my results so you can have a direct comparison between the M1 and your computer.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2022

    Activity Monitor is the app that comes with MacOS and shows CPU, RAM, GPU usage amongst other things (Windows Task Manager equivalent I think) but you sort of have to know how to read between the lines because MacOS tries to optimize speed by keeping stuff in Ram, also CPU usage can be 700% so it's really not an actual percentage, again you have to know how to interpret it.

    Activity Monitor is at the bottom right. - The top menu Bar thing is iStat Menus (there's a free open-source alternative called Stats) if you want to monitor your resource usage constantly.

    As you can see I'm using 5GB of ram altho Maschine itself is only using 600mb, that's the OS trying to be smart about the ram + the general OS use; mds_stores is also taking at least 25% of my CPU (It's macOS indexing my SSD's) that's why my CPU usage is high, also using a buffer of 32 is quite unreasonable.

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro
This discussion has been closed.
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