re-question, modified

djfarkle1 Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

The quick start included here doesn't match up with what I'M SEEING ON MY MONITOR. iT'S SIMILAR, BUT THINGS ARE MISSING, OR WHAT THEY TELL ME TO DO DOESN'T TAKE ME WHERE IT TAKES THEM ON THE VIDEO/INSTRUCTIONS. i'VE HIT A THERE a turorial/how - to for absolute beginners that is UP-TO-DATE that I can use to get this hardware to work with this software AND THIS COMPUTER? I seem to lack the MODE section in KK, and the part where it says that my keyboard will get a response, it doesn't. If i touch the sound within KK, i hear the sound, but the keyboard when I press a key, produces no sound...

Komplete Kontrol A 49 hardware controller , on PC, windows 10

.dec 3 -2022


Best Answer


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,232 mod


    have you tried to open komplete kontrol stand alone first. And what DAW do you use? Maybe it is a midi routing issue within your DAW.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,009 Guru
    edited December 2022

    Since I don't know what version of KK you're using, I'll assume it's 2.80 and that you're running it standalone. At the top of the KK Window under the "Controller" menu what Keyboard do you have selected? Also, where is "included here" when you're referring to the Quick Start? Also, it would be useful to know what version of KK you have and if you're running it standalone as well as what audio interface you're using and what you have selected under the Preferences menu in the Audio section.

  • djfarkle1
    djfarkle1 Member Posts: 5 Member

    I'm running the latest version of KK. Brand new install. The keyboard is KK A 49. I was referring to that 2nd window that comes up when you open the KK plugin...It pops up and says WELCOME TO KOMPLETE KONTROL, then tries to walk you through steps to use the sofware. But what it shows on that screen does not match the same thing in my software. I did finally get past that step and realized that I have to record from within Ableton Live using the plugin KK...I was able to play the keyboard and record that, but the plugin sounds were not recording. I think I have some wrong boxes checked. Currently watching youtube videos to understand recording in ableton via KK plugin. Thank you for your help.....I need to watch videos for now to understand all this better.

  • djfarkle1
    djfarkle1 Member Posts: 5 Member

    I AM running KK2.8.0, but from within Ableton Live Intro. Yes, I was referring to the quickstart. I'm not using an audio interface because nobody is singing and I have no hardware to run through one. i CURRENTLY HAVE kk OPEN BY ITSELF---In the Audio section of PrefS, I have DRIVER-ASIO, DEVICE-FL STUDIO ( i'M RUNNING ABLETON, NOT fl STUDIO), STATUS -RUNNING, IT SAYS LATENCY INPUT 63.3 MS, PROCESSING 11.6 MS OUTPUT 54.1 MS, TOTAL 129. (THE REST IS HIDDEN) i'M FINDING THAT EVEN THE ABLETON lIVE MANUAL DOESN'T MATCH WHAT i SEE ON SCREEN. nOT SHOUTING...

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,232 mod
    Answer ✓

    Audio interfaces are not only made for recording, a good interface with a proper ASIO driver is also better for just play/edit a project. I would always use a interface with a real ASIO driver.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,031 Expert
    edited December 2022

    Might need to check this guy:

  • djfarkle1
    djfarkle1 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Yeah, this idiot keyboard doesn't have a light indicating on or off, so...

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,031 Expert

    That's why proof reading before hitting send is a good idea :)

  • djfarkle1
    djfarkle1 Member Posts: 5 Member

    It seems odd that Playbox has to be opened with Kontact Player, while Sequis needs to be opened in Komplete Kontrol. I'm reading lots of material and finally discovered that unless I'm in the 3rd octave of the keyboard, the keyboard of Komplete Kontrol does nothing. I had seen that somewhere in the documentation, and remembered it. I was finally able to capture MIDI sequences and some Audio in Ableton Live. So thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

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