Snap to next Bar Marker???

Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro

I’m having a bit of a senior moment here…

How do I get Traktor to snap to the next bar marker? I use DVS, so sometimes Traktor stops between beats.

is there a way to skip to next downbeat? I’m currently having to set a cue marker (which, obviously, snaps to the grid) then delete that marker to get me onto the beat grid, so that my beat jumps all land in beat markers?

So - is there a “snap/skip to grid”, without having to create then delete a cue marker???


  • AudiFreq
    AudiFreq Member Posts: 47 Advisor

    do you have quantise turned on?

  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro


  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    I have never tried this, but maybe push cue while you hold the jog?

    If not. Mapping!

    You map a small loop 1/32 with the modifier conditions set to deck play = off.

    Then map the loop active to off with invert activated. Same button. As well as the loop size to 4 or 8 with invert activated.

    This will cause the grid to snap. (With snap activated of course.)

    Sorry if this sounds complicated.

    If you would like I can send you the keyboard map as an example. Then you can map the commands to whatever you have available.

    I use this mapping trick in combination with beatjump move mapping to scroll tracks exactly on beat.

  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro

    Very interesting. It’s definitely a mapping that I’m trying to figure out here.

    I’ll have a go and see how I get on with the commands you’ve mentioned.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    Ok so my mapping is more for my own workflow of scrolling tracks not playing.

    But as I was thinking. Drop your fader then move jog so you are close to the downbeat push cue. This works on the S4mk3 at least.

    The small loop mapping I did is super close but if you zoom in you do see that you miss a tiny bit of transient on the kick (downbeat), it isn't perfectly on beat. I don't mind because it still lines up good enough.

    Without mapping you can also.

    Set a loop on the non playing track at 1 beat.

    Move the loop to the downbeat.

    Tighten to 1/32 then increase to 4 or 8.

    Turn off loop.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru
    edited December 2022

    Like this?

  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro

    Sorry mate - I should have mentioned... This is all while the track is already stopped, and is to allow me to prepare the track for playing by setting cue markers.

  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro

    I'm an absolute idiot. Of course, pressing CUE snaps to the next/previous/closest grid marker. 🤣

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    Yep, but to get to the next downbeat without making any noise my example of moving the loop is very quick. Also be careful with that cue button. Lol. I avoid it especially in any mappings.

    I assumed you were trying to automatically jump to the downbeat. Which would be an awesome feature. I think it has been asked for a few times. Or at least snap to grid in mapping would also be nice.

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