Issues: Native access stuck on registering

6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
edited October 2024 in Native Access

i take it Native access is having connection issues?

i've been trying to register a expansion and native access is caught in a loop

anyone else having this issue?

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod
    edited December 2022 Answer ✓

    Please note that the registration of your product can only be carried once; once your products are registered, they remain as such in your user account (you can check your user account by login into our website, top right corner > user icon > My products and serials).

    Trying to register an already registered serial in Native Access will result in the “Registering” error message you receive.

    Please simply quit/ force quit Native Access and reopen it.

    Do not try to add the serial again, the product should be listed in Native Access.

    If you are registering a hardware serial and you don't get the associated products in Native Access that are supposed to come with the hardware , please reach out to our registration support:



  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,006 Guru

    I just purchased the Session Strings Pro 2 this morning and it was right there and ready for installation within just a few moments. Installed with no issues.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro

    it would seem the problem is resolved using an older windows version of Native Access.

    The support ticket i submitted and the response wouldve had me download and install some software that would scan a whole lot of stuff in my system... and then expect me to send a Log.. NO THANKS!!

    and no doubt the support team would have just directed me to download the older version...


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod
    edited December 2022 Answer ✓

    Please note that the registration of your product can only be carried once; once your products are registered, they remain as such in your user account (you can check your user account by login into our website, top right corner > user icon > My products and serials).

    Trying to register an already registered serial in Native Access will result in the “Registering” error message you receive.

    Please simply quit/ force quit Native Access and reopen it.

    Do not try to add the serial again, the product should be listed in Native Access.

    If you are registering a hardware serial and you don't get the associated products in Native Access that are supposed to come with the hardware , please reach out to our registration support:

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited November 2022

    in my particular case...

    i made a purchase of a expansion, from a user here on the forums...

    the transfer license was sent to me by the seller

    i completed the transfer license by registering that within my online account...(success)

    The issues: began here

    inside of my online account it gives a different number from the transfer license... this is the product registration

    which i then go to native access to enter:

    the version of Native access i had installed was V2.x except this time... 2.x was no longer recognised...

    and thus forcing me to redownload the newer version of Native access.. V3.x

    ( i had seen issues of native access cropping up in the forums.... so if i could avoid the issue, i would stay with Native Access v2.x)

    so yes im forced into updating Native Access... becos the previous version will no longer be recognised

    After downloading and installing the NA v3.x i check to see if my expansion is recognised in my account(nope)

    i begin registering my newly secondhand purchased expansion with the product registration number i got from my NI online account.

    at which point i reach this screen

    btw restarting, shutting down re-installing etc etc still brought the registration loop... as the product is still not seen in the expansions area

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited November 2022

    im sure a person who has been in the NI eco-system... can see where points of failure occurred in my simple case.

    however newer users coming into NI... would be completely oblivious, simply not knowing

    experienced users... would naturally try other workarounds to solve their issues..

    inexperienced completely new users would not know which way is up!!

    Note: my particular issue was resolved by downloading a previous version of NA... however, it would seem, going by other comments in the Native Access thread, wont solve other issues

  • TheoC
    TheoC Member Posts: 2 Member

    I don't understand this answer, you're saying to restart NA and then NOT register the serial again. How do I get Native Access to recognise my plugins without registering the serial?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @TheoC It means that if your plug-ins are not recognised by Native Access the issue is not coming from the serial but from somewhere else, so please give us more details on your issue, Os, etc...or get in touch with support.

  • cal5246426452
    cal5246426452 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    i Have been having the same issue registering a m32 controller. I just bought it brand new out the box and its been saying its registering the instrument for hours. ive re downloaded, restarted and i just stays on the loading screen

  • darro
    darro Member Posts: 7 Member

    Same problem here with issue registering a maschine mikro mk3 stuck on "registering"

  • 121mightymouse
    121mightymouse Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Dammit - me too!! i just got a bran new Maschine mk3 and am getting the exact same regestration issue - getting stuck at that very same window. I am so upset ive been waiting a week for this and spend 600 bucks and all im getting is high blood pressure. I have a macbook air M1 Ventura 13.0.1

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited December 2022

    it sux i know!!

    i have scored a M1 mini just recently, and im reluctant to begin installing my whole Komplete 12 bundle... as i know the trouble i will encounter is not worth wasting time on...or stressing over, ill just be paying attention to the state of Native access and peoples responses to gauge on whether to move forward.

    A persons patience will be tested during this time *winks

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    Hey all, there was an issue with the release of serials of hardware devices, it is now fixed and everything should show now.

  • nuno333
    nuno333 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have the same problem during registering Maschine Mikro mk2

    MacPro catalina 10.15

    is there a new release for native access?

    where can I find the fixed one?

    it is happening right now doesn't fix at all

  • Lyric Marsh
    Lyric Marsh Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I’ve just bought guitar rig 6 pro from sweetwater website and installed native access. when i enter the serial code in the program, it said invalid and i’ve been trying to enter in the code multiple times. Right now i’m using the free guitar rig 6 player. please help.

  • Danny t
    Danny t Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Im having a challenge with Native access 2, having connection issues? i've been trying to login and native access is caught in a loop anyone else having this issue? Dependency installation process is taking longer than normal . Kindly assist

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