What happened with Native Instruments ??

Felix1 Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Two weecks ago the Update for the Maschine plus was faulty...

Two Weecks later nothing Happens !

I cannot understand why the dont repear this Update....

I am new with Maschine plus and i had a Lot of Problems with Installing Maschine 2 and the Plugins. Then i finisched the Installation and have new Problems with the Maschine plus.



  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 558 Pro

    It would help if you explained what exactly the problems are.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 370 Pro

    Yeah not really, if you don't know, you haven't been paying attention or don't own an M+, currently it can't be turned off, it takes ages to do so and is most commonly corrupting or losing projects as it does so.

    As for why it is hasn't been fixed, to be fair, they have been honest about it, they don't know how to fix it, so they are still investigating (Hopefully)

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,068 Expert

    @Flexi I have a Maschine+ and use it regularly. It does seem to take slightly longer to turn off now, but it CAN be turned off. I've not encountered any corruption or loss either.

  • Felix1
    Felix1 Member Posts: 13 Member

    You ask me to explain...

    Why Not...

    Well Maschine plus Takes more than one Minute to Start and more than 3 Minutes to Schut down.

    And when you Start next time you gad a Message that the Projekt that you saved bevor can be restored.

    And the Others Thing i can Not understand ist: you buy an Standalone working Maschine with the plus ( + ) and when you write a Email to the Service they ask you what System dovyou have ??

    Windows ?? And what Version of Maschine 2 you are running ???

    Look at this Forum for Exemple, the Most Discussions are about Maschine 2 Software...

    If the Software was so important to me i would buy the Maschine it Costa half of the Price.

    I bought the expensive one and i would Like to See it working normally.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,591 mod
    edited November 2022

    I understand the frustration...

    @Felix1 said:

    And the Others Thing i can Not understand ist: you buy an Standalone working Maschine with the plus ( + ) and when you write a Email to the Service they ask you what System dovyou have ??

    Windows ?? And what Version of Maschine 2 you are running ???

    Those are generic questions, 90% of the other products require users to answer that to be helped, as an M+ user you can ignore those questions or answer sort of randomly. Automated support ticket sorting systems have those quirks, mainly because users are... not very smart and proceed to say what's wrong and never mention what, when, what version, what OS, etc... even here on the forum it happens every day.. This makes whoever wants to help have to ask it, again, and again and again...

    Look at this Forum for Exemple, the Most Discussions are about Maschine 2 Software...

    There's 13 years of Maschine for computers only 2 years of M+, so the vast majority of users have the controllers. This doesn't mean the forum prioritizes on type of user VS another.

    If the Software was so important to me i would buy the Maschine it Costa half of the Price.

    Without SW your M+ is brick and the bug you're (rightfully) complaining about is software related.

    SW is almost the same for computers and M+, M+ is a computer with linux strapped inside an MK3 so most of the time it shares the issues.

  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 178 Pro

    Are you getting those times after the new update, if so that’s a known issue that’s going to be fixed soon. My M+ takes between 20-40 seconds to boot up depending on the project which is definitely faster than me powering on my PC and opening the Maschine software.

    Keep in mind the M+ is running in a slim downed version of Linux so all of those OS processes still need to boot up in addition to starting up the Maschine software so that’s totally acceptable in my opinion.

  • Felix1
    Felix1 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Hi D-one ,

    You are right.. 13 years and 2 years ist a big Difference.

    It does Not Help to be ungry...

    Maschine plus ist a great Gear and a good toy for US to have fun with.

    But ITS a Professional Engine and they have to take Care that ITS stay Professional.

    I think the only big Problem i have ist the time it Takes to Start and to Schutt off.

    But i can Pusch the Power Button 4 Seconds than it goes off. 😀

    Thank you for your Response from Germany

  • Sean Ocean
    Sean Ocean Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2022

    Hopping on this thread to follow.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,591 mod

    @Felix1 said:

    But i can Pusch the Power Button 4 Seconds than it goes off. 😀

    I don't recommend forcing the shutdown like that, if for some reason the device is writing to the SD it can lead to data corruption (its the reason why we still have to eject drives before unplugging) - It's rare but better safe than sorry.

This discussion has been closed.
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