Can't connect microphone and broadcast via shoutcast

holgermd Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

The offer to get the pro version for 50 euros sounded very good.

In hindsight I should have saved the money I'm so disappointed.

No possibility to connect my USB microphone.

No way to broadcast via shoutcast

Looks like a 1998 software

I was so fooled and now the problems are appearing. 50 euros put into software that is completely useless. Why do I still pay for software regularly when I'm always ripped off like this.


Das Angebot für 50 Euro die Pro Version zu bekommen klang sehr gut.

Im Nachhinein hätte ich mir das Geld echt sparen sollen ich bin dermaßen enttäuscht.

Keine Möglichkeit mein USB Mikro ein zu binden.

Keine Möglichkeit über Shoutcast zu Broadcasten

Aussehen wie eine Software von 1998

Ich hatte mich so täuschen lassen und die Probleme tauchen jetzt auf. 50 Eruro in eine Software gesteckt die völlig unbrauchbar ist. Warum bezahle ich noch Software regelmässig wenn ich immer so abgezockt werde.



  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
    edited November 2022

    OK, you could have informed yourself a little better beforehand, right? I don't just buy a hair straightener on Black Friday, even though I like having curls just because they're on sale for half the price... The other half of your argument doesn't make any sense otherwise either. You only pay regularly if you register for Traktor Pro Plus, otherwise it just stays with the 50 bucks that you squandered.

    The question for you BEFORE you buy should look like this: Which DJ software do you think looks like 2022, can integrate USB mics and broadcast via shoutcast?



    OK, da hättest du dich einfach vorher etwas besser informieren können, oder? ich kaufe mir ja auch nicht einfach so am Black Friday einen Haarglätter, obwohl ich gerne Locken habe, nur weil er gerade zum halben preis im Angebot ist... Die andere Hälfte von deinem Argument mach übrigens auch sonst keinen Sinn. Du bezahlst nur regelmässig, wenn du dich für Traktor Pro Plus anmeldest, ansonsten bleibt es einfach bei den 50 Kröten, welche du in den Sand gesetzt hast.

    Die Fragestellung müsste für dich VOR dem Kauf wie folgt aussehen: Welche DJ Software sieht deiner Meinung nach aus wie 2022, kann USB Mics einbinden und über Shoutcast broadcasten?


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert

    You could use a 3rd party app to broadcast to Shoutcast. And I bet there are some that even support mic input as well.

    Yes, sadly Traktor can only use a single audio interface at a time. Other software can send master to multiple interfaces, which makes stuff like broadcasting a breeze. For example Rekordbox or Serato.

    Btw, if you don't have a controller and just use the mouse, Rekordbox is free.

    Can't you ask for your money back?

    Hier wird angelsächsisch gesprochen :)

  • holgermd
    holgermd Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Yes you are right also the user on top. I thought a professional software who advertise with the streaming feature would at least support the basics but hey you never learn enought ;) I learned, this is not a professional product

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert

    Well, Traktor is a sh*te product in many ways. But it's still used by professionals. Such as .. uhh... Paris Hilton!

    Not sure if I would call streaming to shoutcast as basics. And yes, you have a lot to learn.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod


    you can use asio4all on windows to be able to use your soundcard and your usb mic simultaneously. But of course you normally use proper asio drivers with a good audio interface, and you get them for cheap + a good condenser mic or whatever you need. If you could tell us what hardware you use, we can maybe help you better.

  • DJ-Andre
    DJ-Andre Member Posts: 145 Advisor

    Next time, try before you buy and stop blaming Traktor or NI for this.

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