How do my fellow Maschine users use One-shots?

Jaheid19 Member Posts: 36 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I'm still on this journey of making music and practicing my craft. I decided to go through some saved projects and noticed I don't use any one shots at all in my projects outside of drums.

So I look through the One shot browser and see theres all kinds of Instrument one shots and some have the key labeled..

I'm not having luck finding many videos tutorials in Maschine showing how to allign the one-shot in key with the keyboard or how to make a one-shot a full instrument. Help a brother out. I spend to much time worrying if the key is correct and trying to change the tempo. Not much experience with sampling but I'm still practicing.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,136 mod


    i also don´t use them or very rarely. Maybe if i have a short drum loop in sync or something like that. But normally i like to have control and want the sample to stop if the note stops.

  • SpencerTyler
    SpencerTyler Member Posts: 41 Helper
    edited November 2022

    You can play one-shots with the Sampler plugin in keyboard mode or chord mode but all the notes change in length as the pitch goes up or down which isn't ideal. If you have a one-shot note in a different key than what you want you can use the Sampler's edit mode and edit it's pitch with the Stretch feature. You will need basic music theory knowledge or a good ear. However, if your One-Shots are chords you can duplicate it onto 3 more pads, use the Sampler plugin's Edit mode, go to time stretch and change the pitch of 3 of them. That will allow you to do chord progressions.

    For example, let's say you have a cMin chord one-shot on Pad 1 and you want it to be in dMin. You press Sampler>Edit>Then navigate to Stretch on the right screen of the hardware. You will click Settings to the right of Stretch to access it's Tune option on the left screen. In order to change cMin to dMin you will have to set Tune to 2.00 which is semitones then hit Apply on the right screen. Find out what other minor chords work with dMin if you don't already know. After you determine what chords you want you can Duplicate Pad 1 to Pads 2, 3 and 4. Now you will have 4 pads with dMin Chords on it so you can change Pads 2,3 and 4 to different chords by using the Sampler's Stretch feature again. Make sure to set the Sampler's polyphony to 1 for all of these pads by accessing it's plugin parameters' first page under Voice Settings. Also make sure that you go to pad mode and set these 4 pads to the same Choke Group so they cut each other off while playing. I hope this helps.

    Also here's a useful video that helped me understand this. Go to the 14 min marker and you will see everything I just explained except he uses a loop rather than a chord. It will work the same though.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,591 mod
    edited November 2022

    One-shot instruments are one of those things that some love and others hate. The modern standard at least in computer SW is to use them in Samplers that have time stretch so the One-Shot doesn't get shorter as you play it up the keyboard. Kontakt can do this it for example, Maschine cannot.

    I'm not having luck finding many videos tutorials in Maschine showing how to allign the one-shot in key with the keyboard or how to make a one-shot a full instrument.

    Use a tuner, that's the fastest way IMO.

    Guitar Rig has one and there are loads of free plugins out there too, even phone apps, usually meant for Guitar and such but serve this purpose well.

    So I look through the One shot browser and see theres all kinds of Instrument one shots and some have the key labeled..

    Many of those one-shots you see listed aren't really designed to be loaded as a one-shot to begin with, especially when they are not tuned to C, many are part of a "Sound" instrument, aka a multi-sample Patch, for example:

    In the MAS lib One-Shot browser tab the 1st results should be some Accordion one-shots, those are the individual multi-samples of the Accordion patch in the Sounds browser tab, since Mas scans and lists everything in the folders lists things in both tabs of the browser. In this case, you are better off using the Sound rather than the One-Shot.

    From my observations whenever a one-shot has no note info it's because it's either chord, a slice, a percussive shot, an fx, etc... Things meant to be played have the One Note tag and why sometimes they aren't in C is a mystery to me as it just complicates things. This applies to the MAS lib, if you mix in Expansions then that consistency might go out the window.

  • Jaheid19
    Jaheid19 Member Posts: 36 Member

    Appreciate the feedback fellas. Truly helpful. I know now what to focus and improve on in my free time on my learning days. I dedicate some days strictly to learn by trial and error (experiment) and some strictly to beat making/ mixing

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