New Update Crashes

Aurora Heights
Aurora Heights Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I've had problems with my densely packed projects crashing after the newest update install though it worked for the first day after installation, starting up projects that I have been working on for weeks causes them to crash right after loading. I searched the ways to fix the issue and even though they worked (sort of) allowing me to open up my projects though still very unstable. Melodyne which I use for vocals completely crashes the daw just opening it up. The previous version of Maschine though I did push to its limits did still allow me to work in the conditions that crash fairly easily with this new update. Has anyone else had these problems and if so are there any ways to fix the unstable update or do we just have to wait for the first patches to come out?

Best Answer


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod
    edited November 2022

    Hey there! What's your operating system? Can you share crashlogs here? Does it happen with every project or only some ?

  • Aurora Heights
    Aurora Heights Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Windows, not sure where my crash log file would be located for Maschine, it seems to happen on my projects that have a specific group of plugins still haven't figured out which ones are making it unstable though.

  • SpencerTyler
    SpencerTyler Member Posts: 42 Helper

    It's been a nightmare for me as well and my projects aren't that dense. 2.15 worked fine for me with my m1 Mac mini. The 2.16 update sucks for me. My M+ won't record midi notes into the software unless I open the events screen now. The software crashes have been the only consistent thing for me so far unfortunately. It's a huge slap in the face how long we wait for updates compared to other companies and the updates end up being underwhelming and/or bugged out. Lets hope a lot of us are experiencing problems so NI will prioritize it. I absolutely love Maschine when it's working properly.

  • Aurora Heights
    Aurora Heights Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Honestly, if there is a way to go back to version 2.15 I would honestly take it in a heartbeat, for some reason even just opening my template project folder crashes the whole thing which makes no sense when other projects that are way more packed open just fine, this whole update feels really unstable compared to previous versions.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod
    Answer ✓

    @SpencerTyler Your issues are probably coming from the M1 native compatibility and incompatibility of certain plug-ins. Please read this: KOMPLETE KONTROL / MASCHINE Error: "*Product* could not be loaded, as it may not support Apple Silicon or VST2 to VST3 migration."

    Solution for you should be to run Maschine in Rosetta mode.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod

    @Aurora Heights I contacted you by email regarding this issue.

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