I need help modifying a script (Populate Zones From Filesystem)
I found this script in the Tutorials folder that comes with Creator Tools and I would like to modify it to do the following:
Basically, right now the script creates a zone per each sample, but instead I would like for each zone to hold 108 samples.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Kind regards,
The script:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tutorial 7: Populating Zones From The File System ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ While we used the file system functions in previous tutorials, in this tutorial we will go through an explicit example of populating a group with zones using files found in the file system. We will scan the given path and sub-directories and create zones based on the number of files found in the scan. We will then populate the zones with these sample files. Open Kontakt and double click in the rack area to create an empty instrument. --]] -- Check for valid instrument. if not instrument then print("The following error message informs you that the Creator Tools are not ".. "focused on a Kontakt instrument. To solve this, load an instrument in ".. "Kontakt and select it from the instrument dropdown menu on top.") end -- Reset the instrument groups. instrument.groups:reset() -- Set the directory path with the samples. Print the directory of the loaded script to reveal where the samples are -- located. local path = scriptPath .. filesystem.preferred("/Samples/Tutorial 7") print("The samples are located in " .. path) -- Declare an empty table which we will fill with the samples. local samples = {} -- Fill the table with the sample files from the directory, it is also possible to scan all the sub-directories -- recursively as we are doing here. local i = 1 for _,p in filesystem.directoryRecursive(path) do -- We only want the sample files to be added to our table and not the directories, we can do this by checking -- if the item is a file or not. if filesystem.isRegularFile(p) then -- Then we add only audio files to our table. if filesystem.extension(p) == '.wav' or filesystem.extension(p) == '.aif' or filesystem.extension(p) == '.aiff' then samples[i] = p i = i+1 end end end -- A counter for defining the root note of each zone we will create. local root = 0 -- Create zones and place one file in each of the created groups. for index, file in next, samples do -- Initialize the zone variable. local z = Zone() -- Add a zone for each sample. instrument.groups[0].zones:add(z) -- Set the zone root key, high range and low range to the same values thus confining the zone to a single note. z.rootKey = root z.keyRange.low = root z.keyRange.high = root -- Populate the attached zone with a sample from our table. z.file = file -- Increment the root key variable. root = root + 1 end
Each user zone can only carry one sample at a time.
Why would you want to carry 108 samples inside one zone?
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Well, I have a few thousand samples (which I don't really care where they are placed or how they're grouped) that I need to get into a custom instrument, but doing this manually using Kontakt is just too time consuming because I'm only able to import 108 samples at a time, so I found this script that seems to be able to do what I'm looking to do, but it's not working for me like I want it to (it works for a fraction of the amount of samples I have, but when I add more samples to the folder, it just gives an error, so I figured this is probably the cause because it's not meant to work with that many samples (I could be mistaken, I'm really clueless about Lua)
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Actually I'm sorry not only user zones, regular zones too.
Yes you can use Lua to create the regular zones and put the samples in them (one per zone), as you should. Manually mapping is not the way to go since LUA and Creator Tools became available for Kontakt development.
Use this script instead:
--[[ Kontakt Mapping Editor - Lua Auto Mapper Author: Native Instruments Written by: Yaron Eshkar Modified: July 27, 2020 This script will parse information from file names in order to fill a sample mapping. Suppose we have a high number of samples that we want to map according to tokens we place in the sample name. We can let the script know which token corresponds to which mapping parameter and then use that in order to map each sample. This script is built to be highly generic and re-usable for many scenarios. The first section contains user variables that can be set in order to adapt the script. It is possible to use various naming conventions by telling the script where each token located. The second section declares a number of helper functions used in the script. The third section looks at the file system and prepares tables containing the paths and the tokens. The fourth section prepares the mapping itself. The example samples for this tutorial use the following naming convention: sampleName_root_lowKey_highKey_lowVel_highVel_roundRobin_articulation_signalType e.g.: broken piano_r60_lk0_hk127_lv0_hv127_rr0_normal_close Open Kontakt and double click in the rack area to create an empty instrument and then run the script. --]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- USER VARIABLES - set these to adapt the script to different mapping scenarios and naming conventions. -- Set the directory path with the samples. -- If using samples that are not part of the directory structure where the script is located use a full path e.g.: -- mac: local path = filesystem.preferred("/Users/john.doe/Projects/Project/Samples/") -- win: local path = filesystem.preferred("D:/Projects/Project/Samples/") local path = filesystem.preferred("/Users/john.doe/Projects/Project/Samples/") -- Set to true to reset the instrument. local resetGroups = true -- Set to true to print script results to console. local printToConsole = true -- Set the tokens the samples include and their order. A value of -1 means the token is not used. -- These tokens determine zone parameters. local rootLocation = 2 local lowKeyLocation = 3 local highKeyLocation = 4 local lowVelLocation = 5 local highVelLocation = 6 -- These tokens determine group placement and name. -- Sample name location should basically always be 1 (and exist) or else error handling gets iffy. local sampleNameLocation = 1 local signalNameLocation = -1 local articulationLocation = -1 local roundRobinLocation = 7 -- Default values to replace non existing or erroneous tokens. local defaultRootValue = 48 local defaultLowKeyValue = 0 local defaultHighKeyValue = 127 local defaultLowVelValue = 0 local defaultHighVelValue = 127 -- Confine each zone to defaults, if set to true will override tokens. -- Confine each zone low and high key to the root note. local keyConfine = false -- Congine each zone low and high velocity to the defaults set in defaultLowVelValue and defaultHighVelValue. local velConfine = false -- Set to true if the mapped sample's loop should be on. local setLoop = false -- Set the token separator logic using a regular expression. By default it is set to the "_" character. local tokenSeparator = "([^_]+)" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check if a value exists in a table. local function tableValueCheck (tab, val) for index, value in ipairs(tab) do if value == val then return true end end return false end -- Return where a value was found in a table. local function tableValueIndex (tab, val) for index, value in ipairs(tab) do if value == val then return index end end end -- Split a string and return the result after the separator. local function stringSplit(inputString,sep) for s in string.gmatch(inputString, "[^"..sep.."]+") do print(s) return s end end -- Function for nicely printing the table results. local function print_r(arr) local str = "" i = 1 for index,value in pairs(arr) do indentStr = i.."\t" str = str..indentStr..index..": "..value.."\n" i = i+1 end print(str) end -- Table with note names. local noteNames = { "C-2", "C#-2", "D-2", "D#-2", "E-2", "F-2", "F#-2", "G-2", "G#-2", "A-2", "A#-2", "B-2", "C-1", "C#-1", "D-1", "D#-1", "E-1", "F-1", "F#-1", "G-1", "G#-1", "A-1", "A#-1", "B-1", "C0", "C#0", "D0", "D#0", "E0", "F0", "F#0", "G0", "G#0", "A0", "A#0", "B0", "C1", "C#1", "D1", "D#1", "E1", "F1", "F#1", "G1", "G#1", "A1", "A#1", "B1", "C2", "C#2", "D2", "D#2", "E2", "F2", "F#2", "G2", "G#2", "A2", "A#2", "B2", "C3", "C#3", "D3", "D#3", "E3", "F3", "F#3", "G3", "G#3", "A3", "A#3", "B3", "C4", "C#4", "D4", "D#4", "E4", "F4", "F#4", "G4", "G#4", "A4", "A#4", "B4", "C5", "C#5", "D5", "D#5", "E5", "F5", "F#5", "G5", "G#5", "A5", "A#5", "B5", "C6", "C#6", "D6", "D#6", "E6", "F6", "F#6", "G6", "G#6", "A6", "A#6", "B6", "C7", "C#7", "D7", "D#7", "E7", "F7", "F#7", "G7", "G#7", "A7", "A#7", "B7", "C8", "C#8", "D8", "D#8", "E8", "F8", "F#8", "G8", "G#8" } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A flag that turns to true if there were any parsing errors. local errorFlag = false -- Just a separator for printing to the console. local dashesSep = "------------------------------------------------------------" -- Check for valid instrument. if not instrument and printToConsole then print("The following error message informs you that the Creator Tools are not ".. "focused on a Kontakt instrument. To solve this, load an instrument in ".. "Kontakt and select it from the instrument dropdown menu on top.") return end -- Print the paths. if printToConsole then print(dashesSep) if filesystem.exists(path) then print("The samples are located in " .. path) else print ('Path not found... aborting script...') return end print(dashesSep) end -- Reset the instrument groups. if resetGroups then instrument.groups:reset() if printToConsole then print(dashesSep) print("Instrument reset performed") print(dashesSep) end end -- Declare an empty table which we will fill with the samples. local samplesPaths = {} local samplesTokens = {} -- Fill the table with the sample files from the directory, it is also possible to scan all the sub-directories -- recursively as we are doing here. local i = 1 for _,p in filesystem.directoryRecursive(path) do -- We only want the sample files to be added to our table and not the directories, we can do this by checking -- if the item is a file or not. if filesystem.isRegularFile(p) then -- Then we add only audio files to our table. if filesystem.extension(p) == ".wav" or filesystem.extension(p) == ".aif" or filesystem.extension(p) == ".aiff" then -- print the sample path. if printToConsole then print("Sample path found: "..p) end samplesPaths[i] = p i = i+1 end end end -- Sort the paths alphabetically table.sort(samplesPaths) -- Parse each file and make a tokens list. for index, file in pairs(samplesPaths) do -- Initialize a table for the tokens of each sample tempTokens = {} -- Get the clean file name (without path and extension) to parse. fileName = filesystem.filename(file):gsub(filesystem.extension(file),"") if printToConsole then print(dashesSep) print("File to parse: "..fileName) end -- Prepare a table with the tokens from each sample. for token in fileName:gmatch(tokenSeparator) do table.insert(tempTokens, token) end -- Print the token list of each sample. if printToConsole then print("Tokens found: ") print_r(tempTokens) end -- Insert each sample's token list into the main tokens list. table.insert(samplesTokens, tempTokens) end if printToConsole then print(dashesSep) print(dashesSep) print("Mapping.....") print(dashesSep) print(dashesSep) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create the mapping. -- Initialize a table to fill with the group names. local groupsList = {} -- Variable for easier indexing. local x = 1 -- Loop through all the sample paths and map each sample according to the tokens. for index, file in next,samplesPaths do -- Initialize a variable for the current group name. local curentGroupName if printToConsole then print(dashesSep) end -- Set the proposed group name based on the tokens. -- If there is a sample name token, add that to the proposed name. if sampleNameLocation ~= -1 then if samplesTokens[index][sampleNameLocation] ~= nil then print("Sample name found: "..samplesTokens[index][sampleNameLocation]) curentGroupName = samplesTokens[index][sampleNameLocation] else if printToConsole then print("ERROR: Sample name token set but not found") end errorFlag = true end end -- If there is a signal name token, add that to the proposed name. if signalNameLocation ~= -1 then if samplesTokens[index][signalNameLocation] ~= nil then print("Signal name found: "..samplesTokens[index][signalNameLocation]) curentGroupName = curentGroupName.."_"..samplesTokens[index][signalNameLocation] else if printToConsole then print("ERROR: Signal name token set but not found") end errorFlag = true end end -- If there is an articulation name token, add that to the proposed name. if articulationLocation ~= -1 then if samplesTokens[index][articulationLocation] ~= nil then print("Articulation name found: "..samplesTokens[index][articulationLocation]) curentGroupName = curentGroupName.."_"..samplesTokens[index][articulationLocation] else if printToConsole then print("ERROR: Articulation name token set but not found") end errorFlag = true end end -- If there is a round robin name token, add that to the proposed name. if roundRobinLocation ~= -1 then if samplesTokens[index][roundRobinLocation] ~= nil then print("sample name is: "..samplesTokens[index][sampleNameLocation]) curentGroupName = curentGroupName.."_"..samplesTokens[index][roundRobinLocation] else if printToConsole then print("ERROR: Round robin name token set but not found") end errorFlag = true end end -- Print the proposed group name. if printToConsole then print ("Group name: "..curentGroupName) end -- Initialize the zone variable. local z = Zone() -- If a group for this name exists, put the sample in that group. Otherwise create a group for that name. if tableValueCheck(groupsList,curentGroupName) == true then local tempGroupIndex = tableValueIndex(groupsList,curentGroupName) -- Add a zone for each sample. instrument.groups[tempGroupIndex].zones:add(z) if printToConsole then print("Group exists. Sample put in group #"..tempGroupIndex) end else -- Initialize a new group. local g = Group() -- Add the group to the instrument. instrument.groups:add(g) -- Add a zone for each sample. g.zones:add(z) -- Name the group. g.name = curentGroupName -- Add the name to the list. groupsList[x] = curentGroupName if printToConsole then print("Group created: "..groupsList[x]) end -- Increment the group list index. x = x + 1 end -- Set the zone root key. if rootLocation ~= -1 then local value = 0 if tableValueIndex(noteNames,samplesTokens[index][rootLocation]) == nil then -- Remove non numerical characters from the token. value = tonumber(samplesTokens[index][rootLocation]:match('%d[%d.,]*')) else -- Check for the index value of the note string value = tonumber(tableValueIndex(noteNames,samplesTokens[index][rootLocation]))-1 end -- Check that the value is valid and in range. if value > -1 and value < 128 then z.rootKey = value if printToConsole then print("Root set: " .. z.rootKey) end else z.rootKey = defaultRootValue if printToConsole then print("ERROR: ROOT OUT OF RANGE , SET TO: " .. z.rootKey) end errorFlag = true end end -- Check if key confine is on. if keyConfine then z.keyRange.low = z.rootKey z.keyRange.high = z.rootKey else -- Set the zone low key. if lowKeyLocation ~= -1 then local value = 0 if tableValueIndex(noteNames,samplesTokens[index][lowKeyLocation]) == nil then -- Remove non numerical characters from the token. value = tonumber(samplesTokens[index][lowKeyLocation]:match('%d[%d.,]*')) else -- Check for the index value of the note string value = tonumber(tableValueIndex(noteNames,samplesTokens[index][lowKeyLocation]))-1 end -- Check that the value is valid and in range. if value > -1 and value < 128 then z.keyRange.low = value if printToConsole then print("Low key set: " .. z.keyRange.low) end else z.keyRange.low = defaultLowKeyValue if printToConsole then print("ERROR: LOW KEY OUT OF RANGE , SET TO: " .. z.keyRange.low) end errorFlag = true end end -- Set the zone high key. if highKeyLocation ~= -1 then local value = 0 if tableValueIndex(noteNames,samplesTokens[index][highKeyLocation]) == nil then -- Remove non numerical characters from the token. value = tonumber(samplesTokens[index][highKeyLocation]:match('%d[%d.,]*')) else -- Check for the index value of the note string value = tonumber(tableValueIndex(noteNames,samplesTokens[index][highKeyLocation]))-1 end -- Check that the value is valid and in range. if value > -1 and value < 128 then z.keyRange.high = value if printToConsole then print("High key set: " .. z.keyRange.high) end else z.keyRange.high = defaultHighKeyValue if printToConsole then print("ERROR: HIGH KEY OUT OF RANGE , SET TO: " .. z.keyRange.high) end errorFlag = true end end end -- Check if velocity confine is on. if velConfine then z.velocityRange.low = defaultLowVelValue z.velocityRange.high = defaultHighVelValue else -- Set the zone low velocity. if lowVelLocation ~= -1 then -- Remove non numerical characters from the token. local value = tonumber(samplesTokens[index][lowVelLocation]:match('%d[%d.,]*')) -- Check that the value is valid and in range. if value > -1 and value < 128 then z.velocityRange.low = value if printToConsole then print("Low velocity set: " .. z.velocityRange.low) end else z.velocityRange.low = defaultLowVelValue if printToConsole then print("ERROR: LOW VELOCITY OUT OF RANGE , SET TO: " .. z.velocityRange.low) end errorFlag = true end end -- Set the zone high velocity. if highVelLocation ~= -1 then -- Remove non numerical characters from the token. local value = tonumber(samplesTokens[index][highVelLocation]:match('%d[%d.,]*')) -- Check that the value is valid and in range. if value > -1 and value < 128 then z.velocityRange.high = value if printToConsole then print("High velocity set: " .. z.velocityRange.high) end else z.velocityRange.high = defaultHighVelValue if printToConsole then print("ERROR: HIGH VELOCITY OUT OF RANGE , SET TO: " .. z.velocityRange.high) end errorFlag = true end end end -- Turn on the loop for the zone if required. if setLoop then z.loops:resize(1) z.loops[0].mode = 1 end -- Populate the zone with a sample from our table. z.file = file end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fix wrong group indexing annoyance. instrument.groups:remove(0) if printToConsole then print (dashesSep) print (dashesSep) print ("Mapping Complete") print (dashesSep) print (dashesSep) end -- Ready to push. if printToConsole then if errorFlag == true then print("Script complete but with zone parsing errors, see log...") else print("Script complete, no errors") end print("You can now press Push(↑) in order to apply the changes to Kontakt") end
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Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help.
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