Questions about Kontakt 7 and Komplete 14

ryguymotif Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

I have Komplete 13 Ultimate. As I consider an upgrade, I have a few questions.

  1. Demo Limitations - Is the Kontakt 7 in my Native Access just the demo? If so, what are the limitations? I saw Kontakt 7 so I installed it. When I hit "add New Instrument", it says "demo" on the instrument.
  2. Previews - When I audition sounds in the browser's new view, some sounds play a preview. Others don't. Why do some sounds play no preview and can I fix this?
  3. Silicon - Is Komplete 14 100% made for Silicon (without Rosetta)?
  4. Kontrol - Does the browser's new view make Komplete Kontrol obsolete?

Thank you.


  • Ronny Bangsund
    Ronny Bangsund Member Posts: 71 Helper

    The Kontakt 7 that popped up is just the player, for compatibility with any user-shared instruments created by Komplete users.

    #3 is getting there. Kontakt 6 and 7, Guitar Rig 6 and all the effects are native. Everything but Massive and Reaktor is happening "soon", as the roadmap they've posted says (search will find it). Everything I've tried that has a standalone Intel binary works on my M1 and M1 Max computers, with GUI glitches at worst. Surprisingly low CPU usage for Reaktor too.

    #4: There are whole threads and long posts about the new GUI. Things could be better :/

    The few new things in Komplete 14 are Kontakt 7 and some expansions/libraries. Everything that's in K13 which is also in K14 gets an update for Apple Silicon anyway, so I'd wait for 15 before updating. I went from 8 to 14, so it was a huge upgrade for me. +1 version is rarely worth it (unless you go from a lower tier version to Ultimate or CE), +2 or more almost always is.

  • ryguymotif
    ryguymotif Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank you for the response. I am pretty interested in Kontakt 7 though for the UI.

    So if Kontakt 6 is native, does that mean that all instruments that run through it (e.g. Alicia's Keys) are native too?

    And any insights on #2?

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Yes, that's what it means, all the Kontakt instruments should be working in the native Kontakt 6.

    Regarding #2 I have no clue to be honest. Maybe some file path issue. Feel free to contact our support if this issue persists.

  • ryguymotif
    ryguymotif Member Posts: 13 Member

    So I don't need to upgrade to K14 to get K13 working native on my M1?

    Because I was just testing the Live 11 demo and Live 11 isn't recognizing my K13 Native Instruments plugins. Why is that?

  • Ronny Bangsund
    Ronny Bangsund Member Posts: 71 Helper

    The products which are the same in K13 and K14 will continue to be updated normally for both, but there aren't any instruments other than the Kontakt ones you get natively for now. See the official responses with the timeline for that. Right now we've got Guitar Rig 6, Kontakt and all the effects.

    The Massives, FM8 come later. Reaktor and Battery MUCH later (early next year). Kontakt 7 is VST3 only, but anything included in Komplete 13 should still support VST2, in case you use any lesser DAWs than Live :)

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 283 Pro

    If you use a Komplete Keyboard, Komplete Kontrol is still what you need for light guide and integration features and so Kontakt 7 is secondary in importance. All you are really gaining is additional factory library content.

    But if you are using any other keyboard, I would say yes, the new Kontakt 7 GUI is a game changer. Particularly when it comes to being able to preview sounds without having to first load an instrument.

    So those who use Kontakt 7 standalone can now now enjoy the same preview and search features as KK users.

  • ryguymotif
    ryguymotif Member Posts: 13 Member
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