GR5 Automation in Studio One 5 Pro

joeb3651 Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX


First, I use Studio One 5 Pro (SOP5) because I write Classical as well as EDM and Rock and do my notation in Notion 6, There is a relatively, although sometimes buggy, direct transfer between the 2 apps. So I won't consider moving to another app although I have several other DAWs, Maschine 2, Logic Pro X, Reaper, Performer and I just received a dozen or so badges including Ancient which fits considering I'm 70+. I'm running a 2018 iMac i7 on OSX 10.14.6 (scared to death of going to Big Sur). Audio interface is a MOTU M4. Main MIDI devices are a Behringer MOTOR 61(UMX) and Novation LaunchControlXL (LCXL), both of which I've connected via the SOP5 prefs.

Back to GR5, the instrument I'm using most is the Music Lab Les Paul Custom (LPC) with GR5. I want to use other components but for now I want to talk about Real Wah. When I right-click and select Learn from the popup and release the mouse the popup closes and it doesn't learn the LCXL button I've pressed. Same with the frequency slider on the Real Wah. Opening up the automation lane on the I get 4 dropdowns; the instrument-LPC, MIDI-All Inputs, Group-None, Layer-Lead 1.

Reading thru old posts I found that some say GR5 is not receiving MIDI. Then why does the UMX trigger notes on LPC? So after a few days of trying to figure this out I'm still baffled (AND NOT composing) so I decided to ask. I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions that might allow me to control the components in GR5 using my MIDI devices.

Thanks in advance and stay safe!

Joe B

Best Answer

  • joeb3651
    joeb3651 Member Posts: 9 Member
    Answer ✓


    What a convoluted way to set up MIDI control in SOP5!!!

    I figured it out. Although the software, SOP5, was seeing the MIDI, I had to do a further MIDI mapping BY CONTROL on the Launch Control to get the signal to GR5 MFX.

    Thanks for your patience and the issue is solved!

    Best Regards,



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod

    Hey Joe B, are you using the AU or VST plug-in of Guitar Rig 5? If you want to use the AU and have MIDI control you should be using the Guitar RIg 5 MFX audio plug-in.

  • joeb3651
    joeb3651 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks Jeremy. I switched out the instrument, Music Lab Les Paul Custom to the AU plug-in and the Guitar Rig 5 MFX. I get the parameter set up in the automation lane but get the same behavior. Right-clicking on the power button on the RealWah component and selecting Learn the menu closes and I see nothing indicating that the component is waiting for a controller button press. I have MIDI monitor running and I see the Button toggling on and off but it doesn't seem to be getting to the GR5MFX plug-in effect. I'm baffled! Any other suggestions?



  • joeb3651
    joeb3651 Member Posts: 9 Member
    Answer ✓


    What a convoluted way to set up MIDI control in SOP5!!!

    I figured it out. Although the software, SOP5, was seeing the MIDI, I had to do a further MIDI mapping BY CONTROL on the Launch Control to get the signal to GR5 MFX.

    Thanks for your patience and the issue is solved!

    Best Regards,


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod

    @joeb3651 Thanks for the update!

This discussion has been closed.
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