Maschine Jam MKII (2023)

ENZORU Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Are there any official rumors or plans for a next gen Maschine Jam? Did this device not sell well enough? Why did they stop selling it?

If they created a second gen, what features would you be most interested in? I think it'd be great to see a Maschine Jam+ standalone mixer with some built in FX and sequencer to compete with the TX-6 Field Mixer from Teenage Engineering or the Polyend Play.



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I guess Jam did not sell well. And it did not sell well because NI has mainly targeted and advertised for use by DJs. Not so much as an extension to Maschine...

    NI people said several times at this forum that there are no plans for MK2, so far. M+ even did not support Jam at the time of release. And NI said it will not as Jam is EOL. They made it EOL few months before M+ release. But one of NI developers showed video with proof of concept M+ driver for Jam.... And NI users demanded be it integrated....

    So, M+ finally got Jam support....

    I do not have M+, but still I hope Jam MK2, or something like that will come one day...

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro
    edited August 2022

    Probably not happening and new NI hardware was promised but who knows if it will never delivered…

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro

    The Jam was near enough the original NI team, this is not really the same company and priorities have shifted to align with the new owners (which is how ALL business works, they are not doing anything wrong)

    Right now new hardware of any kind is not likely, the new owners are very software oriented and will have more interest in that IP than hardware.

    Even M+ "Could" be seen as an annoyance to the new company owners, it has a bunch of software on board that could possibly go legacy and not be updated for future sales (Massive etc) so keeping Massive alive just for M+ could become a major problem, you cant have it on + but not on desktop, you cant have it on desktop and not update for Mac, which is near enough an entire rebuild every year.

    So any hardware is a pain to maintain for a mostly software concern, never mind releasing new.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    I would expect a JAM Mk2 to actually have less standalone features and to work only as an extension to the Maschine Mk3/Plus. To avoid any redundant functionality and provide as much additional hardware control as possible without losing any of the existing JAM functions.

    Otherwise, if redundant functions are preserved, it would be very welcome if the JAM could have its own focus.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I agree, it would do if Jam MK2 is an extension of Maschine. As well there could be extension block with jog wheel and few dedicated buttons and possibly display to convert MK3/M+ to Studio....

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited October 2022

    @ Drummer-4D

    would love to see how you utilise the MaschineJAM unit... and how you have integrated it.

    i personally have integrated my maschine Jams (plural) into a Reaper template which i consider extremely powerful in terms of both the maschine Jam midi integration AND incoming audio, routing and FX manipulation!

    that said... i would love to see how you intergrate the Jam unit

  • August Alchemy
    August Alchemy Member Posts: 22 Member

    I would love a JAM with Knobs. If they did that I would get an additional one.

    I mainly only use it now with my Slate and Ash products. The eight sliders are a great replacement for not having a mpe controller.

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 151 Advisor

    Unfortunately, and as stated here already, NI does not seem to be really focussed on hardware at the moment. Aside from the M+ nothing has come out for several years, and no signs or rumors of anything new for the near future. I guess we can still hope. The way that NI made hardware work with its software, was and still is kind of unique.

    All I can say, if ever NI would come with a new Jam, I'll probably buy it right away.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert
    edited January 2023

    NI people has stated several times no Jam 2 in the NI kitchen.

    I hope, they will come with some sort of modular system. Would be nice to expand MK3 to Studio and also add Jam like section.

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro

    Standalone Jam+ (please make it work with other synth gear). Some screens would be nice.

  • Barth Visser
    Barth Visser Member Posts: 1 Member

    The best part of the Maschine + Jam combination is the Jam! It highly amplifies the process of experimenting with patterns and finding new combinations in a very tactile way. Maschine without Jam is severely handicapped in my opinion and takes away a lot of the fun. :-(

  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    it is true that the matrix of 64 pads is an undeniable asset

  • jolly Dodger
    jolly Dodger Member Posts: 56 Member

    Velocity/aftertouch pads, like force/push/Launchpad(new one)

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