Bug report: Not able to change to lossless using Beatport Link w/o removing from collection

Overfiend Member Posts: 3 Member


Today I switched to FLAC in Beatport Link, and I typically keep a bunch of music downloaded offline for instant access. Even when I removed them from my offline folder, re-downloading them would still default to the former setting (256kbps AAC). The same behavior for simply streaming it - it wouldn't stream the FLAC version.

The only solution here was to remove the track from my collection entirely, then find it again. I wanted to upgrade the sound quality of the tracks I'm already playing, not just new ones.

I feel this is probably just a minor oversight in workflow, not a "bug" per se.


  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 608 Guru

    Heya :)

    You therefore have to redownload them for your offline locker with these following steps:

    1. Set your streaming preference to lossless on Beatport.com
    2. In Traktor copy all “Offline Library” Tracks into a newly created playlist
      (to capture what you had in our Offline library)
    3. Remove all tracks from your Beatport “Offline Library”
    4. Close Traktor
    5. Restart Traktor
      (in this moment the tracks will be purged from the hidden folder on your computer)
    6. Select all Tracks (or batches of tracks) in your backup playlist and select "Add to Offline Library"
      (this will re-download the files in the new selected format)
    7. As this will take a lot of time, so consider doing this over night or in batches.
    8. After the Download has finished select all Tracks in the backup playlist (!) (not the “Offline Library”) and re-analyse them, selecting "Special" and only "Parallel Processing" checked
      (this will update the kbps column in the browser and should now show bitrates between 600 and 1200 kbps)

    — — —

    BTW: This fact should be added to the release notes in the knowledge base.

    The Beatport API is currently still missing an end-point allowing Traktor to see which format settings the user has chosen. This makes the displayed kbps value in the Traktor browser recalled from the last download rather misleading.

    So, if you already have a track from Beatsource/Beatport in your Traktor collection, Traktor will unfortunately still display the wrong (old) value, even if you've switched to lossless in the meantime. The file will now be truly lossless if you reload the track again, but Traktor will still display the wrong value until further notice.

    Perhaps this will change when Beatport/Beatsource provides a new API.

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