how to properly set up traktor kontrol s2 mk2 with pro 4 software

Schimmert Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hi guys i need some help. I have my Traktor s2 MK2 kontroler hooked up to my laptop on wich i run the new pro 4 software. I want to play the mix on my steelseries headset becouse i have a roommate and i dont want to bother him with my horible mixes. anyways my problem is that i dont get any sound when i set my kontrol as my audio device and i have a set of earplugs hooked up to the kontrol s2 but i dont get any cue sound. both dont give me any sound. when i put my headset as my audio devide i do have the tracks playing but cue never seems to work in my settings. i have cue on but when i start mixing it puts the sound in to the output of the final mix and never gives me any sound in my cue earbuds.

Is there any one out there who know what i sould do or how i should fix this? ive been at this problem with chat gpt for 1/2 houres and also that was no help. i am completly lost on what i shoud do in order to fix this.

i put some pictures in this post i hopes someone knows what i shoud change. for clearance my gamedec is what my headsed hooked up to otherwise it wont work.



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,434 mod


    how is the s2 connected to your game DAC/headphones? Have you enabled monitor on the decks? But maybe you don't want to hear monitor in this case, instead master to headphones might make more sense but anyway one problem at a time.

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