HELP! S4 MK3 - Repair Service??

DeeCee Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Hi All

My first post so please bare with :)

Ive had my s4 mk3 since it was lanuched, FYI Im really pissed to be honest that there hasnt been a new release (especially with Serato and Rane releasing amazing controllers recently).

I have a few issues with my S4 Mk3:
- Replacement dry/wet rotary knob (internal not just the external knob itself)
- Channel B Fader replacement and cross fader too
- General clean/service

I am based in Gibraltar connected to the South of Spain and i cant seem to find parts or service centers AND WE ALL KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO GET A REPLY FROM NI DIRECTLY!???

If anyone can point me to a trusted repair store near me OR if anyone has an old controller they can sell parts from then PLEASE HELP - I am all ears 🙏

Much appreciated


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