TRAKTOR 4.2 bring variable TEMPO with MIDI LINK (Maschine MK3) or...

Eric bee
Eric bee Member Posts: 11 Member

please bring MIDI Sync MTC in !!!!!! traktor with Maschine MK3

why? because if I understand right MIDI-LINK seems Tempo FIXED and maybe cant be change when active.

as DJ I want use Traktor how I do with AUTO MASTER TEMPO, because I play different genres in difficult tempo and I want Traktor go on normal and Machine follow blind. Without turn on and off LINK set Master Tempo in Traktor turn on again LINK that then I can start next song. Thats now work on a DJ SET flawless

I have pointed this issue a year ago , please NATIVE INSTRUMENTS, listen to your clients more that you not loose all to SERATO, PIONEER and so on. I an over 15 years with you and shown you many bugs to improve Traktor.

also fix the BUG fullscreen on startup on MacBooks M1-M4 it still not works !

Thank you if you take this comment serious !

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