How to route Xone 92 with Traktor

DukeOfLizards Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I'm trying to use a Xone 92 with Traktor and a Scarlett Focusrite 2i2 but am not getting any signal from the Xone 92 mixer.

I have XLR/TRS cables going from the rear outputs of the Scarlett to my monitors and the same going from the Mix 1 outputs of the Xone 92 to the front Inputs (1 & 2) on the Scarlett. I also tried using just TRS cables from the Booth outputs of the Xone to the Scarlett inputs (1 & 2).

I tried adjusting multiple settings within Traktor for both of the above routing options and nothing from the Xone 92.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong or have a solution?

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