Traktor 4.2 update NEEDs with fix some issues

Eric bee
Eric bee Member Posts: 11 Member
  1. Export playlists with grids and cue points. after did grids and load point on half of the tracks the grid points are messed up, and get exported wrong as cuePoint.
  2. bring back the function to set the cue point as Grid marker Point
  3. to set grid Marker also possible, when already other cue points, load points done. Now you must delete all cue points that the grid Malrker Point with white labeled cue get possible
  4. fix Bug, when you set in Analyse automatic Markers to none, you also cant manual set the white Cue Point Grid Marker by set Grid Marker
  5. make it possible to Mark some tracks and convert more then just ONE to Stem
  6. FULLscreen at startup still not work on Macbook M1 Sequoia (since years now)
  7. Auto Master Tempo (source Traktor) wenn using LINK (and not only fixed MASTER SPEED) when using Maschine with traktor


  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 224 Pro

    +1 for Point 7 !!!

  • Toxicaudio
    Toxicaudio Member Posts: 55 Helper

    How will they fix issues if they even not able to fix bugs which existing longer than 2 years?

    Example ? Here we go :

    (TP-16737 and TP-16766) reported since Version 3.5

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 253 Pro

    for the stems analysis, I mapped it to the “g” key. Then I ran a macro for down arrow then g repeatedly.
    just need to make sure you don’t do more than 399 tracks at a time.

  • Eric bee
    Eric bee Member Posts: 11 Member

    8. END Track warning blinking like on CDJ that 4 points blinking white or red , or the complete ring blinking

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