Installing Session Horns

hobertuefer Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

I had bought Session Horns and installed it on a computer - now i want to install it on another computer - how can i do that - it does not appear for installation on native access?


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert
    edited February 28

    It should. All your products should.

    Are you sure you logged in in the second NA on the second computer with the same account?

    If you are sure, firstly try the NA refresh button. If it still doesn’t appear, have a look if this article is useful:

    Btw: if you have it installed on an external disk that you use also on the second computer, you don’t even have to reinstall it, being it a Library. You can use Locate function of NA to point at where it is in your external disk

  • hobertuefer
    hobertuefer Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    i can see my registered products, but don't see a way to install them - if i click on install via NA, i just get to the page wher to install NA?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert
    edited February 28

    I suppose you mean you are looking in the website under your account/My Products and Serials.

    What you have to do is having Native Access installed also in your second computer and THERE you should find the way to install your products (or Locate them if already installed).

    If you already have NA installed in your second computer and there you can’t see Session Horns (as it seemed from your first post), follow my other suggestions in previous post

  • hobertuefer
    hobertuefer Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    thx for your advice - the procedure below helped to solve my problem - but anyway thx for the immediate response -

    7. Zurücksetzen der XML-Datei

    Wenn du alle oben genannten Punkte überprüft hast und dir immer noch ein Produkt fehlt, folge bitte diesen Schritten, um die Native Access XML-Datei zurückzusetzen:

    1. Schließe Native Access und alle anderen Programme.

    2. Öffne den folgenden Ordner:

    macOS: Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center
    Windows: C: > Programme > Common Files > Native Instruments > Service Center

    3. Lösche im Ordner Service Center die Datei NativeAccess.xml.

    4. Starte Native Access and klicke den Refresh-Button.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert
    edited February 28

    You’re welcome 👍🏼

    Thank you for reporting back.

    For non German speakers: the procedure that solved the issue is number 8 (in English is number 8, in German number 7 ☺️) of the link I posted above.

    8. Reset the XML file

    If you have checked all the above and you are still missing a product, please follow these steps to reset the Native Access XML file:

    1. Quit Native Access and all other apps.

    2. Open the following location on your computer:

    macOS: Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center
    Windows: C: > Program Files > Common Files > Native Instruments > Service Center

    3. Delete only the file named NativeAccess.xml from the Service Center folder.

    4. Start Native Access and click the refresh button.

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