How to resolve installation Port Conflict error

Terry Finstad
Terry Finstad Member Posts: 9 Member
edited February 27 in Other Software & Hardware

RE: Setup challenges.

I have a PC - Windows 10 OS, Laptop with 1 USB "C" and 3 USB ("A/B") inputs

Studio one 7 software, NI S61 MK 3 Kontroler/Keyboard.


Nothing wrong with the S61 MIDI controller, powers up, lights display all looks well. have ran the 5 or 6 step setup process, entered serial number and completed what I thought was needed. The error message is "Port in use by other devise" when I try to select the S61 in Studio One/Options/send/receive ports.

Steps taken:

1 - tried other ports with adapters - Low power messages, 2 -removed and rebuilt ports with restart in Sound and video controllers - Same port error. 3 - Tried downloading new drivers - .infs are for MK 2 controller, 4 - Downloaded hardware connection accessory - Can't locate.

Im stuck on this setup - Need help. I will try alt power to S61 and MIDI cables to my Presonus Studio 24 system interface but prefer to use the Power/Data transfer cable that came with the Kontroler to the USB "C" connection. Hope I don't have to purchase new computer.

Best Answers

  • Terry Finstad
    Terry Finstad Member Posts: 9 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for your suggestions. I was able to get functionality by removing all the USB ports under Sound Video and Game Controllers and restarting computer two times. When windows rebuilt the ports the competing devices moved to alternate ports allowing MIDI data from the S61 to transfer and trigger sounds. I'm closing this ticket as solution was found.

    Thanks again,


  • Terry Finstad
    Terry Finstad Member Posts: 9 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thanks again Mykejb and Matthew,

    Those screen shots for the alternate setup were helpful. I didn't have to use that configeration with MIDI cables and separate power. Cord management is always a challenge with patch cables everywhere.

    Best regards,



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,893 mod

    Please do not start discussion on a topic and then switch to another thread.

    I will allow it in this case since the subject is other than what was your original thread and since the other subject is marked as solved.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,893 mod
    edited February 27

    Tried downloading new drivers - .infs are for MK 2 controller,

    This might be a no no if you are using a S-Series MK3 keyboard. (Ref. : infs are for MK 2 controller)

    Problem with conflicts like this is that what tech-support says might or might not solve your problem and nobody will know before having tried or before the real root issue has been found out.

    Immediately I would check if you could connect the keyboard to an USB-A port and then see if it changes anything , just attach an USB-C PSU to the keyboard when connecting to the USB-A port.

    I can try looking into the USB reset/rebuild later or tomorrow if have to..

    @Matthew_NI I know that I ought to tag someone else but , considering your extreme troubleshooting knowledge with respect to USB-C , do you have something to add that could possibly help Terry Finstad ?

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,206 mod

    Ignoring the error with Studio One, does the keyboard work correctly with Komplete Kontrol?

    One thing you can try if you haven't already done so is install something like MIDI-OX and check that the S61 MIDI ports are visible and that they all connect correctly. If that works the problem is likely to be with Studio One somewhere. I'll take a look later and check what the connections should be.

  • Terry Finstad
    Terry Finstad Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks for the response. I haven't tried MIDI-)X

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,206 mod

    I just tried a S61 MK3 with S1 7 on a PC and it was pretty much plug and play. The keyboard is connected with a USB A-C connector to the data connection and a phone charger into the power connection.

    Here's some screenshots :

    This is from MIDI-OX showing the MIDI ports.

    In Studio One this is the External Devices setup

    I didn't have to assign any MIDI ports. Where are you doing the assign?

    Can you confirm that you have Komplete Kontrol working correctly standalone, i.e. browsing instruments from the S61 works and that it plays sounds correctly?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,701 mod

     I will try alt power to S61 and MIDI cables to my Presonus Studio 24 system interface

    This will only function as a basic MIDI controller - you will see no integration with KK3, K7 or K8.

    he error message is "Port in use by other devise" 

    Try unplugging all other USB devices you have connected, and start over. See if that helps

  • Terry Finstad
    Terry Finstad Member Posts: 9 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for your suggestions. I was able to get functionality by removing all the USB ports under Sound Video and Game Controllers and restarting computer two times. When windows rebuilt the ports the competing devices moved to alternate ports allowing MIDI data from the S61 to transfer and trigger sounds. I'm closing this ticket as solution was found.

    Thanks again,


  • Terry Finstad
    Terry Finstad Member Posts: 9 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thanks again Mykejb and Matthew,

    Those screen shots for the alternate setup were helpful. I didn't have to use that configeration with MIDI cables and separate power. Cord management is always a challenge with patch cables everywhere.

    Best regards,


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