BUG? Wrap with increment 32 does not hit 0 on S61 MK3

kylekylekyle Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

button in S61 MIDI Template config is set to …

{"color": "White", "custom_label": true, "label": "Osc1 Oct", "mapping": {"assignment": {"cc": {"midi_cc_number": 74, "midi_channel": 0}}, "behaviour": {"increment": {"max": 96, "min": 0, "step": 32, "wrap": true}}}},

Expected Behavior: Push button and it goes through CC value 0,32,64,96 then back to 0.
Actual Behaviour: Never hits 0. Only goes straight to 32 then 64 then 96 then back to 32.

Feature Request: add new option instead of increment to put in array of values so i could put in 0,32,64,96 and it will wrap those with each button push. OR any numbers like. [0,5,22,55,88,99] and wrap those with each button push.

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey @kylekylekyle I've forwarded your feature request to the team, thanks for your input.


  • kylekylekyle
    kylekylekyle Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    hmm. it might be just a visual bug in my Moog Sub 37 editor. It is "sounding like" it hits zero but for some reason the knob is not showing visually in my GUI at 0.

    BUT the feature request above would be useful. Again…

    Feature Request: add new option instead of increment to put in array of values so i could put in 0,32,64,96 and it will wrap those with each button push. OR any numbers like. [0,5,22,55,88,99] and wrap those with each button push.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey @kylekylekyle I've forwarded your feature request to the team, thanks for your input.

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