I can't see Kontakt 8 in Protools Instruments list

E.F. Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

Yesterday I've updated my Kontakt 5 to the Kontakt 8 (I've been using Kontakt 7 player so far)
I can see it in my Native Access but not in the sampler category (I can see Kontakt 5, 6 player and 7 player but not the 8)
I can open Kontakt 8 as a stand alone software directly from Native Acces and it works as normally but for some reason I cannot open it in Protools (already checked inside Library - Audio - plug ins folder and everything is in place)

Anyone know how to fix it?

In my NI account on the website I see KONTAKT 5 and Kontakt 8 Bundle Update (the one I bought yesterday). Why I don't see KONTAKT 8?

Many thanks for the help 🙏


  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    Try this perhaps? In Pro Tools settings, navigate to the plugin manager and initiate a rescan of all plugin

  • E.F.
    E.F. Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    When I open Protools I see it loading Kontakt 8 but than it doesn't appears, I only see the 7 player
    Now I try a Rescan

  • E.F.
    E.F. Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Still not showing up
    I'm sure it is installed, It is in the AAX folder too and Protools is loading Kontakt 8 any time but it still doesn't show up
    It is the first time I see such thing, never happened before and I'm totally lost

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    Are you saying that it shows in the list, but when you select it, it won't open? Or are you saying that it does not show in in the list? Could you perhaps attach a screenshot?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,978 mod

    Someone had a similar problem with K6/7 , I don't know at all if it applies here , but this was what was the solution then :

    Quote : I finally found a solution and it was different than anything I could find on the internet. I found that for some reason my system had two "Plug-Ins" folders. One in the normal "Library > Application Support > Avid >Audio" directory, and one in my "Mac HD > Applications"folder. I saw that Kontakt was missing from only the "Mac HD >Applications > Plug-Ins" folder, so I simply copied the aax plugin over and it popped up and works great as a Pro Tools insert now. No clue how that folder got created, but that was the fix.

  • E.F.
    E.F. Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    edited February 25

    It is not showing up in the drop down menù
    Kontakt 8 is installed and I can see in Native Access and in any Library folder (vst, vst3, component and AAX)
    Protools scans it every time while opening but it is not showing up in the list
    I've even tried to open Protools in Rosetta but nothing has changed

    I did buy the update boundle yesterday night and it is in the ALL list but not in the SAMPLER list (as you can see in the screenshots). Does it means it is not correctly installed? I've already reinstalled it 3 times and in 3 different places just for being sure to try everything

    Anyway, I've also attached the stand alone app opened directly from Native Access

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,978 mod
    edited February 25

    I had to edit your screenshot because you exposed your Kontakt 8 serial so I downloaded all the screenshots and re-uploaded them into your now edited post.

    Kontakt 8 is not listed as an Application - sampler in N.A. on my PC either , and not as an instrument either though K6P and K7 do , a bit peculiar in my opinion.

    Anyway , all this makes me want to throw you the usual Mac user check-list :

    Have you added ProTools to the full disk access also ?

    Be sure to be using latest version of Native Access for your OS

    Also general Mac check list :

    ALL NI apps including NTKDaemon must have full disk access. : How to Enable Full Disk Access on mac OS

    Disks must be of correct format : Notes on Network Drives and Disk Formats Also then please check that iCloud Private Relay has been turned off : Native Access Error Message: "Download failed" (macOS)

    Also then do not use Clean My Mac.

    And quote Kymeia : if using Sequoia then N.I. apps must be added to the Local Network

  • E.F.
    E.F. Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thanks for the editing, didn't see 🙏
    Already tried with the regular Mac check list, first thing I've done. Any involved app has the full disk access (Even Kontakt 8 itself)
    Could it be an issue given by Sequoia? I'm currently working on Mac OS 15.2
    I'm running out of ideas after having tried almost anything and read plenty of stuff on Google

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,978 mod
    edited February 26

    I have not been able to come up with much and you probably will need Jeremy_NI for this one.

    I did find this suggestion for you , try doing this to Kontakt 8 (maybe also do a reboot before reinstall) , quote :

    "I fixed my issue by manually uninstalling all the Kontakt 7 files from my computer and then I reinstalled from Native Access."

    Also check names so that you are sure that nothing is skipped because of same names or something like that

    Else all that I have is standard help :

    Only Default AAX Plug-ins are Loading in Pro Tools

    How to Insert Native Instruments Plug-ins in Pro Tools 11 or higher

    Another last resort to try could be to remove Kontakt 8 and then try reinstalling using a standalone installer , KONTAKT 8.1.0 ,can't really see why it should help the first of the above sounds better but I throw this in just for good measure.

    in case of download problems then try logging in into Google first, if that doesn't help then copy the download to own Google drive before the download.

    The above ought to help you circumvent the download limit.

  • E.F.
    E.F. Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thanks for your help PoorFellow
    I've already tried anything but it is still not appearing

    No Idea why and how, maybe I'll find out something on the web
    For now I'k wasting too much time, I can use it as a stand alone and record audio inside Protools using a bridge

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