Noire: how to deactivate Delay

grzaudio Member Posts: 22 Member

Hello there. I'm having hard time deactivating Delay in some Noire presets. I don't want delay coming from Noire, since I have to mix it with other tracks.

I've deactivated it in all the ways I can find, but there's still a lot of delay and reverb going on.

The preset I'm basing my sound is "Bowed Piano Felt". Here i'm attaching a couple of pictures. Thank you.



  • chiaki
    chiaki Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited February 24

    Turn off diffusion in Particles Tab > Effects.
    I think it sounds like what you want.

  • grzaudio
    grzaudio Member Posts: 22 Member

    HI @chiaki and thanks for the fast answer. In my picture it was activated but all the parameters down, it is not the Replika Delay section (i'm attaching the picture again). I suspect it is comiing from the "particles engine", but I can't find any particular control over that delay in this Particles Engine part.

  • chiaki
    chiaki Member Posts: 11 Member


    I found delay section is not related to the issue as you said.

    Did you try to turn off diffusion in particles engine's effect? (I edited my post, sorry for confusing)

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