Komplete Kontrol N - plugin scan crash [Feature Request]

Dooby Member Posts: 2 Member
edited February 24 in Komplete Kontrol

I'm aware of the official method of resolving plugin crashes - move the plugin and scan again. I've noticed the new plugin scanner seems to hang on WebView2Loader.dll, which isn't a VST at all, but part of the WebView2 SDK. Universal Audio happens to put this in the same directory as their VSTs, which causes Komplete Kontrol and Maschine's plugin scan to hang.

Moving plugins out of the way is a rather clunky way of dealing with this. It would be better to first check whether a .dll file is indeed a valid VST, then move on if not.

For plugins that are VSTs, but simply do not return quick enough, it would be nice to have the option to at least skip, or even better, have some kind of timeout, and a method for blacklisting the same.

Are there any plans to improve the scanning of plugins?



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