How to integrate Battery and Machine into my Cubase 14 Environment

bigzig Member Posts: 26 Member

Hi Guys,

I stopped making music for a long time and now start again with my existing environment. So I recognized that some of my instruments ((Massive, Machine, Battery, Reaktor) exist only as stand-alone programs, not available through CUbase.

I tried to reinstall them inside Native Access but was not successfull. How can I integrate them into my DAW - or are they only as Stand-alone-programs?


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited February 16

    All of the applications you mentioned, have VST versions. They are not just stand-alone.

    So, probably they are in a wrong folder.

    Please post screen shots of:

    • VST locations in Native Access
    • VST Locations in Cubase

    Most probably you just need to add the correct folder in Cubase.

    However, i assume that you are still using the old VST2 versions and not the VST3 ones… VST3 has a standard folder for everything and every application can find it automatically. VST2 on the other hand was always a mess-up… thankfully, 2025 is the last year that developers still support it.

    I strongly suggest you to consider using VST3 versions as soon as possible.

    EDIT: Oh i forgot to mention, Cubase 14 does not officially support VST2 anymore. You need to do some kind of trick to reveal them again. You should check it on Steinberg support or forums

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    Ah, here it is:

    Check it here:

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert
    edited February 16

    Knowing your OS would be helpful, but… assuming that you are on Windows:

    In Cubase, go to Studio > VST Plug-in Manager and make sure that the following path is added to the VST 2 Plug-in Path Settings:

    • X:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
      (where X is your main drive letter)

    More detailed information:

  • bigzig
    bigzig Member Posts: 26 Member

    I've tried to find the right ones

  • bigzig
    bigzig Member Posts: 26 Member

    This is the path of the NI-Location.

    Correction: Battery4 is already installed in Cubase - I still miss Machine, Absynth and Massive

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    Check out C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 then and add the path to Cubase. Maschine, Massive and all other VSTs should be in there. (Not sure about Absynth, though… it was discontinued. Might be under the VST2 folder instead).

  • bigzig
    bigzig Member Posts: 26 Member

    Not as easy as I hoped. I can see Machine 2 in NativeAccess, but trying to reinstall gets the following error

    and here is the path of my Machine Folder

    I am a bit helpless in going on anyhow

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