Flexible Grids Problem

I have a problem. I work with Windows during the week and with Mac on the weekends. On Windows, I spend the whole week adding grids and flexible grids to hundreds of songs. Now, when I open Traktor 4 on the Mac, the grids are there, but the flexible grids don’t appear. If I open Traktor 3 on the Mac, the grids appear where the flexible grids should be. Any solution?


Best Answer

  • Toxicaudio
    Toxicaudio Member Posts: 55 Helper
    Answer ✓

    I prepare my grids on a Win10 PC like you. After finishing my work I copy the collection.nml file , the complete Stripes and the complete Transients folder to my Mac. Having no issues with flexible grids and cues. Both machines having Traktor Pro 4 installed and having the same setting.


    SERRANATOR Member Posts: 3 Member

    I just checked and it's not just the grids, the hotcues and the loads are also missing

  • Toxicaudio
    Toxicaudio Member Posts: 55 Helper
    Answer ✓

    I prepare my grids on a Win10 PC like you. After finishing my work I copy the collection.nml file , the complete Stripes and the complete Transients folder to my Mac. Having no issues with flexible grids and cues. Both machines having Traktor Pro 4 installed and having the same setting.

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 284 Pro

    Sounds like you're either not copying the collection file across, or it's not picking up that they're the same files due to the path differences.

  • John6
    John6 Member Posts: 46 Member

    follow this to the tee.


    Remember you have to keep checking consistency multible times. Its not a 1 time set and forget situation.

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 284 Pro

    You could also try to figure out a find and replace on the text in the collections.nml file, but that will take a bit of work to figure out.

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