Why didn't NI update the previous session guitars?

swingmix Member Posts: 152 Member

Sunburst Deluxe、Vintage Electric、Pick Strumming1,2

Why didn't NI update the previous session guitars?

NI's previous guitars have been great, so why not upgrade?
At least we can hear the demo in the song. Optimize, upgrade.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,230 Expert

    Because none of these products are NI products. There are all third party.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert

    Where did you get that info?

    “Created with” or “in collaboration with” don’t mean they are not NI products. Almost everything now is made in collaboration

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,230 Expert
    edited February 8

    All Session Guitar products are made by Drumasonic. Distribution by NI

    See here.



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert
    edited February 8

    I do understand that all those “created in collaboration with” could be confusing (even if that “with”, and not “by” like you say, speaks to me), but…

    What I always read in the pages like the one you link is just a presentation of the companies who did those products, not a confirmation that NI is just the distributor and not the one that commissioned them.

    Even the sentence “After gathering years of expertise with their drumasonic drum libraries, they bring this expertise to Native Instruments”…I read it like if they worked FOR NI on these projects.

    But, since as I said I can see the confusion…let’s find a way to have a definitive answer:

    @Jeremy_NI (or anyone else from NI) Are all those “ made in collaboration with” (in particular these mentioned in this thread) third party products? Or are them NI products?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert
    edited February 8

    Even Expansions… are them NI products?

    Because they are also “crafted in collaboration with”, “created in collaboration with”…

    And, at least about those, I’m sure vouchers can be used on them. And vouchers rules clearly state that they cannot be used on third party products.

    If the fact that a product has been “materially” realized by an external company qualifies them as non NI products, NI doesn’t produce ANY product anymore, since they are ALL “made in collaboration with”.

    They just update/upgrade the few bunch of programs they inherited from previous workers. If this is not contracted to external developers too

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro
    edited February 8

    If NI is the vendor it doesnt matter who is behind it tbh. You set up a deal with enough updates and improvements until you retire it and replace it with a new instrument in the same category.

    The issue is each NI Kontakt instrument seem to have terrible life cycle planning with these products. A clever developer would calculate for at least one big mid cycle release before the instrument is removed in the Komplete bundle. Preferably more.

    The mid cycle release could be a Deluxe or Sequel number (like Arturia does) with improved tech, improved processing, newer Kontakt version and more modern GUI.

    This is even more important with instrument series like Play, a Piano series, a Guitar series and so on. When you open one instrument in the UX should be consistent. Currently Claire looks much modern than Noire which already looks pixelated. With proper life cycle planning older Noire and Una Corda could have the same look and feel by having mid cycle releases planned.

    That's why we are stuck with a bunch of old pixelated instrument while competitors like Arturia seem to have figured it out by releasing sequels in their V Bundle.

    Would love to see all the current Guitar and Bass instruments to have updates or proper mid cycle releases. The latest Electric guitar product looks like it is pixelated on release date. Terrible.

  • swingmix
    swingmix Member Posts: 152 Member

    in any case. We users hope to see reasonable updates to keep the product consistent. More convenient, faster, and unified, which makes it more reasonable.

  • swingmix
    swingmix Member Posts: 152 Member

    Actually, I hope some former SESSION guitarists can also try listening on Song browser.
    I hope their SESSION guitarists can stay updated, consistent, and have the same functionality. This is not difficult. As long as they want to update and make users feel happy, they should do it. Do you agree?

  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

    Maybe it's just me, but I kinda fail to understand the need for any updates? What are some of the things you're thinking of?

    As to why… I can easily understand why: because everything that happens after a sale cuts into the profits of the company/companies selling the product. Same for support, it's obviously required but nevertheless also an expensive part of the process.

    In fact… I'm often glad that we don't get many updates for certain products because not every change is automatically a good one.

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro
    edited February 9

    All I can say, in my opinion Arturia has figured it out with their life cycle management - their products have stellar presentation and when a product starting to look old they make sure to update it or retire it.

    Native Instruments hasn't figured this out. Many of their products look old and reek of bad tech debt (i.e. not developed and fixed their products fast enough).

    If it is a simple update it is fine. A big mid cycle release should only happen after a few years and hopefully at that time you are happy to get it. Everyone seems happy to get the big Pigment 6 update for free.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    NI's previous guitars have been great, so why not upgrade?

    You already answered to your self…

    Why on Earth anyone would upgrade a product which is already great (according to your own words)?

    Also we have to understand that sampled libraries is what it is… recorded samples… there is absolutely no reason to re-record an already good recorded sample!

    What you can update of course, is the instrument itself. Unless if it already great or reached its potential.

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro
    edited February 9

    Strange focus on the wordings in this threads? Think you may risk adding some confusion when I believe we all agree that more updates (when needed) would be nice.

    Another great example btw: Spitfire rereleased their most popular Orchestra series with the same samples but with a redesigned improved GUI and likely a bunch of backend improvement in a more modern Kontakt version. Great example of a big (perhaps a bit costly) mid cycle release.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited February 9

    According to what i read in the first post (by the OP), this was the logical answer. And the most "professional" too. Most of the pro musicians i know, do not "run" behind updates. If they find an stable system that fulfill their needs, they stay there, sometimes for a long time. They don't risk their studio "health" just for the "excitement" of few new features.

    So, since I'm mostly deal with such kind of people and i have the same philosophy (more or less) it is normal that my answer makes perfect sense to me.

    Apart of that, i don't believe that any intelligent person can be confused by such an answer, otherwise i wouldn't post it. 🙂

    …and to be honest, i answered to his post, without read any of the next comments. I instantly though "what he means now? if he found it great, then why he asks for updates"? It didn't made sense to me, so i answered spontaneously. 🙏

    btw, despite the above, i also believe that "more updates (when needed) would be nice".
    Again, self-answered: "When needed" as you wrote. I do not believe that a "great" product needs updates.
    I would prefer to keep it as is, and create (or buy) a new, different product!

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,230 Expert

    Of course updates would be welcome. But I am like others on here. What exactly is the issue with what we have?

    These things are deeper than my capabilities and I am a guitar player. I have no issue with any of these releases.

    Anyone who does have issues can always start taking guitar lessons if they think these need to be done better.


    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro
    edited February 10

    Then don't buy the mid cycle update (or the next Komplete Bundle update) if you dont have time to upgrade your templates. You can both have personal practical limits to your upgrade planning and be positive to product improvements. Two thoughts at once is possible. Questioning why someone would like a product to improve is tbh a bit weird.

    No one is saying every instrument needs a big update or new release every year, but if a sample instrument has a planned market life cycle of 7 years, getting a bigger update after 3-4 years with GUI modernization, MIDI fixes, newer Kontakt version, is perfectly reasonable for it to just keep up with the times and to offer something better for new consumers.

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