pressing space bar to start Logic Pro causes parameter to change in Komplete Kontakt

nyyles Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

For some reason when I am working in Logic Pro using Komplete Kontakt, and I press the space bar (Play), it causes a parameter in Kompete Kontakt to change which drastically affects the sound. Sometimes it's affecting the blend knob (when im using Hybrid Keys), sometimes the filter knob (in monarch), sometimes something else depending on the instrument. It is absolutely crazy-making. I have to automate the parameter every time I am using Komplete, in Logic, just to be able to use the plug in. Any idea why this seems to be happening? It happens when I press the space bar to start the Logic playback. Doesnt affect any other plug ins I have.

thanks!!! Nyles


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    Does the problem only happen when you press the space bar to start play, or does it also happen if you click the play button in Logic?

  • nyyles
    nyyles Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Actually it happens when I click the Stop button or Play button as well, BUT there is one thing I noticed with all of this - the instrument has to have been played by midi during playback. So in other words, if I press play and stop, or use the spacebar to do this, at the top of the arrangement before the instrument is played in the song, the parameter remains unchanged. However, if during playback the song includes a region sending midi notes to Komplete Kontakt (i.e. it's being used in the song) and I stop/play or spacebar, the parameter will be changed, even if its after the region has come and gone in the flow of the song. Hope that makes sense. So hard to deal with! So as soon as I have recorded midi notes for the instrument, its a problem.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    There's an option in Logic called "Chase Events" which is likely to be the problem. In short, when you play a song Logic plays all the various MIDI control changes in the song up to that point. Check this blurb page from the Apple support site -

  • nyyles
    nyyles Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    No luck. I went to the chase events list and turned it off for all the cc controllers. Still does the problem. Turned off all chase events. Still does it. It seems like a bug, but no one else seems to have had this problem. I was hoping it would go away with updates, but that did not help either.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Please check these settings in Logic:

    And also check the following in Kontakt: Kontakt's Volume Resets When I Press Play in my DAW

    If this is only happening in Logic, it could be that some MIDI assignments were done, even by accident, you could try to reset Logic's preferences, as explained here:

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