Maschine Mk2

coreyjbieber Member Posts: 2 Newcomer


I traded a friend an old piece of mine for his Mk2. I tried to register product and serial is taken. I'd like to get it registered to me. I'm the 3rd owner and don't know first owner/no point of contact. How do I get the hardware registered to me so I can get the software to unlock library and play around? I also intend to use with Logic Pro. Thanks.

Best Answers

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    Answer ✓

    this is one of those situations where

    the previous owners "needs" to transfer the software,

    if they dont transfer the software…. then you are faced with the choice of buying the required software..

    this can be done by finding someone online who is selling a used hardware & software combination with the software you require (maschine 2.x) or you can purchase it from NI direct.

    you of course run the risk of shady seller when buying used gear+software, so you will need to consider which is the most cost effective method to obtain the Maschine software

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Before buying the software… contact Support and explain them the case, to see if they can help


  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    Answer ✓

    this is one of those situations where

    the previous owners "needs" to transfer the software,

    if they dont transfer the software…. then you are faced with the choice of buying the required software..

    this can be done by finding someone online who is selling a used hardware & software combination with the software you require (maschine 2.x) or you can purchase it from NI direct.

    you of course run the risk of shady seller when buying used gear+software, so you will need to consider which is the most cost effective method to obtain the Maschine software

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Before buying the software… contact Support and explain them the case, to see if they can help

  • coreyjbieber
    coreyjbieber Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you both. I did some reading last night to find out these exact results. I am currently in touch with NI and have a service ticket created. Got the hardware to work with Logic Pro last night, but would like to see the full library and capabilities as well as it used as a stand alone piece.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,818 Expert

    You’re welcome

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