Maschine MK3 without Serial

menk1337 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hey I just got my Maschine MK3 from Amazon - was supposed to be brand new but the Serial seems to be used already. I already made a ticket with all the relevant information to support but they seem offline. I'd really like to start playing over the weekend. Any way I can use Maschine without the serial?


Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod
    Answer ✓

    @menk1337 I see that you contacted our support and they fixed the issue. You should have evrything in Native Access now.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,858 Expert

    Only if you already have the programs.

    Maschine doesn’t need to be registered in order to work, it works with an already installed Maschine software or in midi mode even without serial.
    But to have the bundled programs if you don’t already own them you need to register it

  • menk1337
    menk1337 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    thanks you! Anything you'd recommend buying? I don't have any programs yet but maybe there is something I'll be buying anyway?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,858 Expert
    edited February 1

    Do you mean to use Maschine as it is intended? (A tight controller for Maschine software)

    No…you need the already included Maschine software. MK3 in MIDI mode is not that different from any other MIDI controller… even because if I would suggest some other instrument, it would not be a NI’s one…

    Don’t waste money…wait to see when they will unlock your included bundle.

    Unless you think you will upgrade to the new Maschine 3 software anyway (probably your MK3, being already registered, will give you Maschine 2 software) and therefore you want to buy it now so that you don’t have to wait (but then…what if they will give you M3 software bundled out of generosity?)

    As I said…I would not waste money in order not to wait some days…

    If you really want to just have some fun immediately, you could install some other DAW trial version (but, once again, you’ll be able to use MK3 only in MIDI mode). Which one? It depends on how you want to work and what fits you. The good ones are many (and some of them also have free limited version): Ableton Live, Bitwig Studio, Cubase, Logic,… Personally, I would recommend Presonus Studio One

    Or install some free products and demos (even from NI). But you will not see the real potential of your MK3, since the demo for Maschine software doesn’t exist

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod
    Answer ✓

    @menk1337 I see that you contacted our support and they fixed the issue. You should have evrything in Native Access now.

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