My Maschine Mikro MK3 is not detected as midi device anymore, Can this be Hardware failure ?

Arnaud Rosenstingl
Arnaud Rosenstingl Member Posts: 7 Member

I use Maschine usualy as a pluggin in Reaper, with my MikroMK3 set as a midi controler.

Today when I tried to add Maschine in a track in reaper the controler didn't turned on.

I tried to reinstall controler editor, then the driver, then Maschine itself but nothing worked.

Finaly I found that the NIHhostintegration agent had stopped. I restarted it and the controler connected itself in Maschine or with the controler editor.

But Maschine dont shows up anywhere (Reaper/Komplete Control/midiview) as a detected Midi device.

I can Put My Maschine Mikro in midi mode , but the signal seems to go nowhere.

The hardware is detected By windows as a USB device but not as a midi device.

What did I miss ?

(I tried to connect it on my laptop, but the problem is the same)

Best Answers

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,223 mod
    edited February 1 Answer βœ“


    You could try to go into the device manager, set it to show all devices, disconnect maschine. Then you delete all maschine related devices, if asked for deleting the driver's, say yes. Then reinstall the driver's and reconnect maschine.. sometimes it helps to install this:

    It's a virtual midi cable, used by native instruments

  • Arnaud Rosenstingl
    Arnaud Rosenstingl Member Posts: 7 Member
    Answer βœ“

    Thanx a Lot UwE303,

    It worked perfectly :)

    Und Danke auch fur die Musik ! (Ich lerne gerade Deutsch !) πŸ˜ƒ


  • Arnaud Rosenstingl
    Arnaud Rosenstingl Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hello By the way :)

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,223 mod
    edited February 1 Answer βœ“


    You could try to go into the device manager, set it to show all devices, disconnect maschine. Then you delete all maschine related devices, if asked for deleting the driver's, say yes. Then reinstall the driver's and reconnect maschine.. sometimes it helps to install this:

    It's a virtual midi cable, used by native instruments

  • Arnaud Rosenstingl
    Arnaud Rosenstingl Member Posts: 7 Member
    Answer βœ“

    Thanx a Lot UwE303,

    It worked perfectly :)

    Und Danke auch fur die Musik ! (Ich lerne gerade Deutsch !) πŸ˜ƒ

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