2025 Outlook: Maschine, Kontrol, and NKS Hardware Partnerships



  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 298 Pro

    Maschine MK3 Hardware supports Aftertouch, IIRC. The issue is not the hardware, it's the software. Lol

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 298 Pro
    edited February 5

    I still find it weird that they couldn't just put the Kontakt Factory Library 2 on Maschine+…

  • beisi
    beisi Member Posts: 19 Helper

    from a 2022 post:

    "Some folks use hacky workarounds like using software that controls your mouse so it can perform straight lines from 2 points."


    People have been requesting the ability ability to draw a straight line or curve for the EXISTING param automation for YEARS

    @Chris_NI Is it something that is coming in 2025? or do you advise ppl should not expect this any time soon and stop asking about it?

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro
    edited February 6

    can Rex file support be added to maschine plus ?

    Or could convert/extract Rex slices to wav be added to the desktop software , when using save with samples

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited February 6

    Let’s try a last question (even if I didn’t have an answer even to the previous one) before the thread will get closed and everyone will disappear again:

    @Chris_NI Why isn’t Patterns selection midi mappable like Scenes/Sections/Lock states are? I can see that, back in the days, this could have interfered with Jam sales (in some ways…even the possibility to midi learn the others could be seen as an interference)… but now that Jam is long time abandoned…

    Is there another reason I cannot see?

    Ever thought to give Patterns parity to others?

    I’m not asking if it is already programmed… just if it is even taken in consideration.

    This could be a plus for selling more Maschine/Maschine+.

    A Maschine+ (or a MK3) with something like a Launchpad plugged in being able to trigger patterns would surely attract more users (not lucky as me still having a couple of Jams around)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited February 6

    And another one that came in mind writing the last thing, but more related to my previous (unanswered) question:

    @Chris_NI In addition to access to Groups in a not mutually exclusive way… what about access to multiple NI hardwares in a not mutually exclusive way?

    This is another decision I never understood: blocking people with multiple Maschines from using them in tandem (controlling different aspects) is just a way to not make users wanting to have more than one device (since, in any case, they would not be able to use them together).

    Isn’t this counterproductive for NI? Don’t you want to sell more units?

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    I've been asking for this for years (with Komplete Kontrol) and have raised that question multiple times on this thread, yet (conveniently or just by chance) being ignored…😓

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    I know… some questions never get answered…

    Answered which doesn’t mean “we will do it cause you asked for it”…

    It’s an answer also “No, we will not do it”.

    Possibly also with a “Because…”

    I think knowing why/how they take their decisions would help users to understand better…even not agreeing eventually… but at least knowing from where something comes from.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    BTW: I don’t believe in chance…😏

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    By the way, I've put in a feature request regarding the introduction of Randomizing the Arpeggiator on Kontrol keyboards. It would be great to get some feedback and an answer on that too.
    If you do like it, don't forget to Vote for it.

  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 143 Advisor

    Guys, no NI manager will ever answer your (or mine) not very convenient questions. I've tried couple of times but was carefully ignored, even despite earlier invitation to ask. Maximum of what is possible to get is they 'cant promise anything', but only in case you are able to place them in embarrassing position with lots of inconvenient proof, when its impossible to avoid to provide at least some answer. Deal is already closed - you paid your $1400, they supplied their product. So now its doesnt matter buggy it is or not, or is it up to your expectations. The company's only goal is to earn money and answering your questions isn't in scope of reaching it.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited February 6

    I would agree…if I didn’t notice something lately (the last 3-4 weeks).

    Maybe I’m the only one seeing this, but there is a new wave of NI people (some of them that weren’t even present in the forum from ages) answering with formulas like “we are investigating”, “we are discussing”, “stay tuned”, giving some hints at “something coming soon”,…

    Of course all expressions that don’t say ANYTHING… but help to keep the masses quiet…

    All of them together, all of them all of a sudden (while before no hints would be given even for things already programmed and that few days after would be announced).

    Let’s say….like if someone above them told them to do so.

    So…maybe… we could at least obtain a “we are investigating”… so we could stay quiet 😂

    But…you’re right: SOME questions will NEVER be answered…by chance…

    And…if someone from NI would like to contradict me, I can always add here a list of links to Ask Me Anything where they told us “we still have a week to answer things” to then…close the thread without giving the answers…

    “Anything” must be a very subjective concept like “Soon” for NI.

    That said, I would anyway give props to Matthew_NI: although staying between the boundaries of what he can or cannot say, and although because of those boundaries I’m not convinced he can always be 100% honest, his way to communicate with the community here has been in any case a breath of fresh air.

    And also add that the fact that we are asking so many questions here is not to minimize what Chris announced (although some of us could not be 100% satisfied), but because…if you see a NI head willing to give answers (at least some), you have to profit of it… when will this happen again? Not knowing it…we jump on the bandwagon 😂

  • beisi
    beisi Member Posts: 19 Helper

    Have had every iteration of maschine since mk2, thought this year could finally be the year it is possible to draw a straight line or curve with pattern automation events.

    Given the recent change in comms approach thought this was a reasonable thing for a years long user to ask about.

    But the silence is deafening and I can only conclude NI do not prioritize this any time soon. Maybe because they believe a real DAW is the place users should do such things? Maschine users should rely on imprecise knob twiddling and fix it later in post in a DAW?

    Sucks you don’t share more about what the product vision of Maschine is and isn’t for this. If u say it is isn’t part of it fine. If you say it is but is for later prob post 2025 ok not the greatest to hear but ok.

    Could at least throw us a bone and enable recording of external midi CCs, it already move the knobs it just doesn’t get recorded FGS.

    So yeah you win no more questions, close the thread, back to hearing sooooooon, seeing more and more expansion packs (including now for MPC yayyy)

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro
    edited February 7

    Still want Maschine MK3 to have deeper Cubase integration with Cubase Drum Rack (like syncing pad colors etc) these are other small improvement where the hardware can integrate in more use cases. And the NI Expansions kits to support Cubase Drum Racks for free (with Maschine synths sounds sampled) without having to use a conversion software (where you lose a lot of sounds).

    I have basically moved on to Push 3 because the current midi and audio routing of Maschine in Cubase, while it is somewhat possible (even though many kits do not seem work fully all the time), still is pretty messy and frankly not a fun experience.

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    same on Ableton. Maschine integration is dreadful but that sort feedback seems to fall on deaf ears for years.
    Makes us users use Maschine far less than we should (oh maybe that’s partly why so few users had used Maschine with Kontrol s mk2…, your user data is the therefore flawed) or even leave the platform…

    I wish I could integrate my Maschine much better in Ableton and integrate that with my push3 also, make them complementary because Maschine sounds are great but I can’t be botherered with current workflow of jumping through hoops routing things and creating templates

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