Issues when moving Librarys to ExFAT external drive.

paulisher Member Posts: 16 Member

I use a Mac M1 mini, Sequoia 15.1.1 /UAD Apollo/ Logic Pro X (Libraries: NI, Superior Drummer, Steam, Waves and UA)

After moving the libraries I was working in Logic I found that When adding a software instrument track the only option was Drum Machine Designer. I contacted Apple Support and they said it was a 3rd party issue. All 3rd party programs?? Anyways he did find that I moved all my libraries to an SSD that's formatted to ExFAT. Apparently that's not great. I then moved all libraries to an APFS formatted drive and tested them. That took a full day. They still don't work as a software instrument track but I found they work when I open a Session Player SI track. The problem is I'm worried about performance and stability. Also after moving the libraries I tested them through their players and not through Logic. When satisfied I deleted all the original files. Could the files be corrupted because I moved them to the ExFAT formatted drive? Any advice on how to proceed?

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