Midi cc #80 Issue With Plug-ins

Antonio B
Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

- Maschine + Controller Mode Ony
- Circuit Tracks (midi track) For additional Knobs/Pads
After some experimentation, I have narrowed it down to this :

  1. Midi cc#80 does not send midi thru to any of my VST plugins.
  2. The Maschine MK3 DAW does accept midi cc#80 if it is something in the daw other than an instance of a VST.  For example, if I midi learn a macro, automation, etc. BUT, none of my VST plugins accept cc# 80.

This is very odd. I am wondering if it is something where Maschine MK3 uses #80 for something specific that prevents any cc#80 midi learn messages to be sent thru to any instances of a plug-in (pigments, Microkorg, Vital…etc. etc….none accept the midi control #80 in the midi learn settings) Strange. Or is it something in a mmidi settings I'm not seeing?


Best Answer

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member
    edited January 31 Answer ✓

    Good and bad news...Ive narrowed it down to the souce but not to the specific issue. The source is in the project - if I open a new project, add a plugin, all is well. So that rules out anything in "settings" because those don't change when loading a new project. And I've ruled out midi channel settings - the midi channel settings are relatively uncomplicated and I set those parameters in the new project as they are in the other project. One more thing that is perhaps a clue - 1) when I go to automation and click on "learn", the midi #80 is recognized 2) I can now go to plugin and learn midi directly with #80 knob 3) Even if I "unlearn" the automation knob or change it to a different number, I can still learn the #80 within the plugin. So once that automation knob is learned, it sort of unlocks #80. So still very odd - Why just #80? And what is in that project file that would cause this only in that particular project? Mystery continues....


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod


    and other CC's work that way? And why don't you map it through maschine and learn then the maschine knob, that way you can also control that plugin via the maschine pots.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    None if those addressed the question. Replying to you're Qs:

    1. No, only cc#80 does not midi thru to VSTs - on the Novation Tracks,the first two tracks are "synth tracks" and the corresponding cc# on the knobs can't be changed (knob #1 is always cc#80) So this is not an issue in other two "midi tracks" because I can set my own cc numbers to each knob.
    2. Because it makes huge difference when it comes to improvisation, environment, and performance. I already do set up sound)group/master macros to some extent but I can quickly switch tracks on the Novation to chose what vst/midi channel and control multiple synths - so it creates a very "hardware" environment in the sense where I can chose a synth and control it while choosing another synth and control that (and others) on the Maschine ....at the same time. It basically doubles the amt of knobs at any given moment (without switching pages). .
  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    Ahh ok I understood your setup a bit wrong, I will try to test something later if I'm back on my computer.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    i tried it with the knif audio knifonium, cause it has midi learn, and it worked with midi cc 80, from maschine in midi mode. It shouldn´t make a difference where midi is coming from.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    Thanks for checking into that. And thanks for the links :) Man, that is weird. I have no idea. It doesn't make any sense that Machine DAW will learn midi #80 but it won't pass it on to my synths. At the same time, how could it be a Novation Tracks issue if it is indeed sending #80??? Ugh.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member
    edited January 31 Answer ✓

    Good and bad news...Ive narrowed it down to the souce but not to the specific issue. The source is in the project - if I open a new project, add a plugin, all is well. So that rules out anything in "settings" because those don't change when loading a new project. And I've ruled out midi channel settings - the midi channel settings are relatively uncomplicated and I set those parameters in the new project as they are in the other project. One more thing that is perhaps a clue - 1) when I go to automation and click on "learn", the midi #80 is recognized 2) I can now go to plugin and learn midi directly with #80 knob 3) Even if I "unlearn" the automation knob or change it to a different number, I can still learn the #80 within the plugin. So once that automation knob is learned, it sort of unlocks #80. So still very odd - Why just #80? And what is in that project file that would cause this only in that particular project? Mystery continues....

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    Yeah really strange, normally you can even have one knob with one cc # learn to more than one synth. I forgot to try if I learn cc#80 on the group level if it's then maybe blocked out even if I highly doubt that.

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