How can i get all the titles songs of the browser to send to an arduino

hernansh Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

Hi i making my own controller with arduino, the controller has a OLED screen, my idea is to get all the titles from the browser in real time and put it to the oled screen, how can i get this ?

Best Answers

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,316 mod
    Answer ✓

    What you are doing is admirable, but i doubt that many people here have the technical knowledge to answer this…

    I will keep your post on the home page top list, as much as possible, though…

    Good luck!

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert
    Answer ✓

    I already wrote you on reddit, but for other people who see it only here:

    It should be possible to change the 3rd party Traktor API to send tracks from the current playlist.

    You could see how the D2 controller is doing it, or the changed people made to the s4 mk3 mods. I think some added playlist to them.

    We have some decent QML coder over in the mapping forum.

    Maybe @ErikMinekus can give you some hinds about the API.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,316 mod
    Answer ✓

    What you are doing is admirable, but i doubt that many people here have the technical knowledge to answer this…

    I will keep your post on the home page top list, as much as possible, though…

    Good luck!

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert
    Answer ✓

    I already wrote you on reddit, but for other people who see it only here:

    It should be possible to change the 3rd party Traktor API to send tracks from the current playlist.

    You could see how the D2 controller is doing it, or the changed people made to the s4 mk3 mods. I think some added playlist to them.

    We have some decent QML coder over in the mapping forum.

    Maybe @ErikMinekus can give you some hinds about the API.

  • hernansh
    hernansh Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Wow sometimes the internet is very small, thanks u for the info, i'm already clone the repository and did a lot a testing but i can't read the title of the songs from browser, only the song of the decks, but i will try again, thx again

  • hernansh
    hernansh Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thx u very much!! i'm already doing a tutorial of 3 hours making a Effecter controller and a 2 channel mixer controller with arduino and this thing is the only problem i have to solve, When I finish doing this I'm going to publish it on YouTube

  • ErikMinekus
    ErikMinekus Member Posts: 119 Advisor

    I tried to get current playlist information with my API client a few months ago, but wasn’t successful. Even if I can manage it, I would have to restructure the project, which would interfere with other QML mods.

    @pixel @Sûlherokhh have you tried and had any luck?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,022 mod


    Check this out:

    There is more in the previous posts. @pixel made a bunch more videos showing his progress in getting track and playlist info available.

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 285 Pro
    edited January 28

    You need to create a database (Tracks, Playlists) from the collection.nml that you tame with Traktor.
    You should note that you cannot write directly to files from Traktor, only JS (XHR) objects will work (these are for interacting with servers).
    This allows you to check the sorting of the list in any case. You must test which ID stands for which sorting.
    actually, a coder should be able to figure this out on their own😯😜

  • ErikMinekus
    ErikMinekus Member Posts: 119 Advisor

    I haven’t found any prop for the current playlist ID, I think you have to get this information from the Traktor.Browser object which renders the playlist on the display.

  • hernansh
    hernansh Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    i was working and i cant reflect the bpm from master and deck A and deck B for the moment, i need to learn how QML work and i will get it i think, thanks for the advices

  • hernansh
    hernansh Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    yes me too, the file collection.nml doesn't has a prop that is for example BROWSER=TRUE but i'm still searching

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 285 Pro

    I don't have an S8 and to understand the code properly I need the device.
    So I will take another way, what I thought to get the ID will need a variable that you use to calibrate the position of the first playlist.🙂

      activated: module.encoderMode == module.treeMode
      from: “%surface%.browse.encoder”;
      to: “browser.tree_navigation”

    and if you tick with the browser.encoder (onDecrement or onIncrement), you count up or down the calibration variables.
    This allows you to output your own PlaylistId.
    This only works with controllers.

    not nice, but rare😆

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 285 Pro

    I tested whether my idea would work. YES it works😋


  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 285 Pro


    i have now printed out the complete S8 code. when i have a long time I will look at the code again and again and try to understand the browser things.😋
    when the enlightenment comes I will use the s8 way.
    if you get the enlightenment please contact me in the forum🙂

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